In Part 1, evil was presented as fact; it is the antithesis of good. It is personal; it bears the name of Satan. He is purposeful and powerful; he acts with intent to deceive and persuade. He is perverse, calling good, evil, and evil, good. Lying is his game. Part 2 suggested ways the Enemy uses to tempt us away from God. It only takes a well-crafted lie to deceive, or perhaps a willingness to be deceived. We humans have been given the knowledge of good and evil. We are, by design, moralcreatures, caught in the battle between truth and lies. In this Part 3, we discuss Christian Counseling as deliverance, which is spiritual warfare. But first … Humanistic Psychology. What is widely known today as just “psychology,” is the legacy of humanism: “man is the measure of all things.” It is the world's answer to spiritual needs without an almighty God. It is said that only man has the authority to define good, evil, true, false, right and wrong. The purposes, goals and methods of counseling are limited to the philosophies and cultures out of which they emerge. Morality becomes a system of socio-cultural mores. In this theological void, anything goes. Answers and outcomes become fluid. Consequently, our image of counseling consists of the ways and means of humanistic psychology. Generally, one seeks counseling expecting empathy, advice or techniques to solve problems or feel better, or to placate someone else who thinks or mandates that we should. Counseling takes on the recognized forms: insight or psychotherapy, information sharing, values clarification, meditation, medication, and behavioral changes. There are many skill-training approaches for improving communication, coping, emotional release, anger management, anxiety reduction, negotiating, self-advocacy, self-care, marital bliss, assertiveness, boundary setting, etc. etc. These techniques can be helpful as far they go, but without the benefit of transcendent morality, leaving one spiritually exposed to the Enemy of God. Moral relativism is precisely the “big lie” which is the focus here. |