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The Joy House E-News
April, 2017
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    • Individual Snacks
    • Flavored Oatmeal
    • Cereal
    • Drink Mixes
    • Tea Bags
    • Fresh Fruit
    • Fresh Vegetables
    • Freezer Pops
    • Sugar
    • Post-it Notes
    • Sectional Couch for Boy's Home Rec Room
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The campbell family shares their testimony at the joy house banquet - photograph by adrienne hall of hall of frames photography

Annual Banquet is Another Night to Remember

This year’s Joy House banquet was one of the best we’ve experienced. From beginning to end, it was an evening of fellowship, encouragement, and inspiration to “Press On,” the theme for the evening. Over 450 guests, old friends and new, gathered on the breathtaking grounds of Sharptop Cove for an hour of fellowship and hors d’ oeuvres. Afterward, dinner was served.

The ambience of the Sharptop Cove’s dining hall is almost as delightful as the grounds themselves. Guests were welcomed by the sight and fragrance of centerpieces designed by our boys’ house mother, Ali Metcalf. Our residents had done an excellent job of readying the tables, and the Sharptop Cove staff outdid themselves with a delicious meal and dessert.

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Animated Video Debut

Check out our new, animated video that we debuted at our Annual Banquet about "Tony." This is a great video to share with others who want to know more about our residential program.

Click Here to Watch...

Thank You, Trinity!

Trinity Church at Marble Hill is no stranger to our ministry. They faithfully bring meals to our homes on a monthly basis and in addition to that, on Saturday, April 22nd, they had about twenty volunteers, youth and adults, that sacrificed their Saturday to serve our ministry. Volunteers worked tirelessly all over the property preparing our garden, working on yard maintenance, painting and cleaning inside our boy's home. We all got a kick out of seeing Charles Caudell, our former girl's houseparent and current Youth Pastor at Trinity, back on the tractor cutting the grass as he did for so many years.  We are so grateful for Trinity's continuous support. Thank you for all that you do for The Joy House!

Click Here for More Info About Trinity Church

Counselor's corner - counseling center testimony

Counseling Center Testimony Video

Another video we debuted at the Annual Banquet was the testimony of one of our Counseling Center clients, Allie. In this video, Allie shares about what held her back from seeking counseling, how she came to know about our ministry, what counseling tool she finds most useful to get through her day to day, and how "The Joy House for [her] personally has truly meant freedom." We encourage you to watch this beautiful testimony and to share this with anyone you feel would be interested in our Counseling Center.

Click Here to watch Allie's video...


Our contact info is: The Joy House * PO Box 247 * Jasper, GA 30143 * (706)253-7569 *

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