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The Joy House E-News
August, 2017
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  Upcoming Events
    • Annual Golf Tournament
    • Date: Tuesday, October 17, 2017
    • Time: 12:00P-6:00P
    • Place: Bent Tree Golf Course
    • Click Here for More Information
  Current Needs
    • Whole or 1% Milk
    • Fresh Fruit
    • Fresh Vegetables
    • Eggs
    • Whole Grain Snacks
    • Flour (Whole Wheat and White)
    • Sugar (Raw, White and Brown)
    • Individual Snacks
    • Flavored Oatmeal
    • Low Sugar Cereal
    • Tea Bags
    • Post-it Notes
    • New Twin Mattresses
    • Microwave (Black or SS) 
    • Handheld Hairdryers 
    • DVD Player
    • CD Player 
    • 2 1/2 gallon buckets
    • Dry Erase Markers & Cleaner
    • New Bed Pillows

Complete Needs List

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our girl's home gets crafty for a good cause

Girl's Home Gives Back

Many of our supporters from all over the area and various churches have gone above and beyond our expectations in supporting our efforts to give back to the community by making mats out of recycled plastic bags. The girls have enjoyed working on their community service project by weaving mats for the homeless. They spend approximately three hours each week making "plarn" and then they're off to weaving until they need to make more supplies. The end result is truly a work of art and we trust will be a blessing to someone in need. We plan to benefit Under the Bridge Ministry and Holy Spirit Homeless Ministry in Atlanta with the mats. Thank you for your support in this endeavor. 

Click Here to See The Finished Product

2017 Golf tournament - steve lowe, executive director

Tee Up for Teens

There has been a slight chill in the air the past couple of mornings which reminds us that fall is just around the corner. This also means it is time for us to “Tee Up for Teens” at our Annual Golf Tournament. Last year was our most successful golf tournament ever thanks to all of our supporters. I am super excited about this year’s tournament as we are adding some great new features that should be good for our sponsors and golfers. These new features include a Hole-In-One Car Giveaway, a Chipping Contest for an opportunity to win a Big Green Egg, and Raffling an AR-15.
You can get all of the sponsorship/registration information for this year’s tournament by clicking here. We have already received the beginning bid of $2500 for our “Fullness of Joy” titular sponsorship. We’ll be taking bids on that up through September 15th. There are several great sponsorship opportunities available. As you consider partnering with us, if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me (
Thank you so much for your consideration and I look forward to hearing from many of you as you or your business partner with us in making a difference in the lives of those we serve by participating in this year’s tournament.   

Click Here to See Our Facebook Golf Tournament Page 

Seeking boy's home houseparents

Houseparents Transition

We would like to seek your prayers and support as The Joy House begins a transition over the next few months. The Metcalfs have been serving in our ministry since May of 2014 as our boy’s houseparents. This week they decided that the Lord has laid it on their hearts to transition out of this role. This has been a tough decision for them, however they know that it is the right one for this season in their lives, primarily due to the needs of their own sons who have also been serving in their own special way in our boy’s home.

We will begin searching for houseparents in hopes to complete this transition over the next few months. As we seek, Richard and Ali will continue to fill their roles here and trust the Lord to open doors for their next calling, as they have no current plans other than stepping out in faith and trusting that the Lord will provide. We covet your prayers for the ministry, the current residents, staff and the Metcalf family.

Click Here to Read Full Announcement

capital campaign update - steve lowe, executive director

Second Home for Second Chances

As we move toward the last third of the year we want to bring some attention to our ongoing capital campaign and particularly to the funds we are seeking to raise for our new girl’s home. We are calling this our “Second Home for Second Chances” campaign and have had this cool logo above designed to identify it as we promote this over the next several months. This will be our “second home” for girls that will allow them a “second chance” to get their life back on track as we pursue Christ’s healing for them and their families. We have had to say “no” to several girls and their families seeking our help over the last two years because we did not have capacity to help. We want to build this home so we can say “yes” to more girls in crisis.

Click Here to Read the Full Article & See How You Can Help

Counselor's corner - darren lane, dir. of res. therapy

Offended-ness vs. Humility

It can be discouraging to see the ease and prevalence of offended-ness. I can turn to any news channel and hear just how offended people are. It is not just in the news either. There seems to be a hearty dose of verbal annihilation in any given week of everyday life – all seemingly meant to drive home the retaliatory point of offended-ness. It’s amazing that most of us don’t use a physical or visible weapon to deliver the deathblow, but we still seem to use something that creates significant damage.

When offended, we use our tongue. More precisely, we use words to dissect and destroy. Scripture even compares how and what we say to a weapon: “Reckless words pierce like a sword…” (Proverbs 12:18a, New International Version). It can be stinging words from people, others failing our expectations or holding us accountable, or someone simply disagreeing with us that starts the retaliation process. The Biblical writer, James, describes the tongue as a fire, and that it can be potentially corruptive, evil, and poisonous! When I consider how reckless words can really damage relationships, such as when used through gossip and slander, it is understandable how Scripture would describe our tongue in less than favorable terms. How can we change this?

Click Here to Read the Full Article 


Our contact info is: The Joy House * PO Box 247 * Jasper, GA 30143 * (706)253-7569 *

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