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The Joy House E-News
November, 2017
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  Upcoming Events

    • Matching Gift Challenge
    • Now through 12/31/17
    • Click Here for more information
  Current Needs
    • Whole or 1% Milk
    • Fresh Fruit 
    • Fresh Vegetables
    • Eggs
    • Ground meat
    • Cheese
    • Whole Grain Snacks
    • Individual Snacks
    • Low Sugar Cereal
    • Canned Milk
    • Facial Tissues
    • Ritz Crackers
    • Wheat Thins
    • Gummies Fruit Snacks

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We Have Much to be Thankful for!

We are incredibly thankful for you and your willingness to support our ministry, whether it be via prayer, financial support, sharing our ministry with others, tutoring our students, sending supplies, cooking meals, collecting goods and all the other countless ways we are blessed by our ministry partners. We hope you had a very Happy Thanksgiving filled with quality time with friends, family and the blessings of the Lord. The Lord has continued to greatly bless our ministry, and we give him praise for sustaining us through another year so that we can be used as a part of the story of restoration for many more families. 


Christmas Wish Lists

Each year individuals come forward at the holidays to see if there are any “out of the ordinary” needs for our boy’s and girl’s homes. Each home has comprised a special “2017 Christmas Wish List.” Please contact Steve Lowe, our Executive Director, at if you would like to fulfill one of these wishes for our homes or if you had another gift in mind that we may have not thought of. Thank you for your support in making the holidays special for our teens.

Click Here to View Both Wish Lists


Counselor's corner - Garry Barber, Director of Counseling Center

Dealing with Holiday Grief

Thanksgiving provides a time to pause and be thankful.  Christmas leads us to consider the great gift of our Living Savior.  New Year’s leaves us reassessing our lives and futures.  Then the season of winter festivities winds down in February with a day of love, hearts, cards, and candy.  Don’t you just LOVE the holidays?  Well, maybe not.  I think we all have a love/hate relationship with this time of year.  At every turn we are reminded of blessings and struggles, gains and losses, hopes and fears.

Click Here to Read Full Article.


help us reach our goal of $50,000 by year end

Matching Campaign

Our Matching Gift Challenge for our "Second Home for Second Chances" Campaign is underway. As we announced earlier in November, we've been given a tremendous opportunity to move forward in our efforts to build our next girls home. Partners of the ministry have put up a $50,000 matching challenge through the end of 2017. Any gift to our capital campaign will be matched dollar-for-dollar up to $50,000 allowing us to move forward $100,000.

Click Here for More Information...


Seeking boy's home houseparents

Houseparents Transition

We continue to seek your prayers and support as we are continuing our search for boy's home houseparents in hopes to complete this transition over the next few months. We covet your prayers for the ministry, the current residents, staff and the Metcalf family.

We encourage you to share this ministry opportunity as you feel led with your local church body, ministry contacts, friends and family. 

Our contact info is: The Joy House * PO Box 247 * Jasper, GA 30143 * (706)253-7569 *

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