A Teen Residential Program and Community Counseling Center
We are excited to announce this year’s Joy House annual banquet, “Breaking Chains”. This year’s banquet will once again be held at beautiful SharpTop Cove. We are looking forward to celebrating Christ’s work in the hearts of those we serve. We are continuing to see Christ set our teens free from life-controlling hurt and anger and finding renewed relationships with their families. The chains of anger, bitterness, depression, anxiety and grief are also being broken in those we serve through our counseling center. 

The final touches are being completed on our new girl’s home and a full house of girl’s will be moving in during the first part of April. We’ve hired new house parents for the boy’s home which we look forward to introducing soon. They will be moving into the boy’s home during the first part of April and we expect to begin receiving boys into the program again during April. As we move into April both girl’s homes will be full and we have a list of boy’s applicants waiting to join the program. By the time we reach the end of May we should have more teens on campus than at any time in our history.

The ability to serve more teens and families gives special significance to this year’s annual banquet. All the families we serve through our teen-residential program and those we serve through our counseling center are served based on ability-to-pay. We are only able to do that because of our partners who invest in the ministry. With the opening of our 3rd home and serving more teens/families we will need to realize approximately $100K in additional yearly funding. Last year we broke a record as the Lord provided just over $100,000 in funds from our banquet. We’re praying to realize $125K this year which will go a long way toward beginning to meet these additional expenses. 

Critical to the success of our banquet are our friends/partners that serve as table hosts. A table host simply agrees to invite and fill a table of 8 including themselves. There is NO COST to host a table. At the end of the evening we present an opportunity for all of our guests to give as they are led by the Lord.  If you would like to serve as table host please email me: 

If you would simply like to attend this year’s banquet you can follow the RSVP link below.

We hope many of you will join us for this incredible evening of celebration, inspiration, fellowship and food as we seek to continue making a difference in the lives of those we serve.

Definition of Accreditation:

Accreditation is the recognition from an accrediting agency that an institution maintains a certain level of educational standards. The U.S. Department of Education maintains a database of accrediting agencies it recognizes.

We are so excited that The Joy House Academy received reaccreditation for three more years. This is our first time to receive Accreditation with quality. We strive to maintain the highest education standards for all of our wonderful students. 

“I am so proud of our teacher Robin Whitaker and teacher aids: Kathie Kelley, Lea Rucker and Nancy LaChance.” Ron Rucker
It’s hard to believe that it’s almost been 2 years since joining the Joy House Counseling Center. We continue to stay busy helping those in need of counseling. One of the most common questions I am asked is, “What can I do to feel better?” I often share one of the greatest things you can do to feel better is to make sure you are eating, sleeping & exercising regularly. 

I have read and studied that these are often the 3 pillars of promoting good mental health. When you are eating a balanced diet, getting the appropriate amount of sleep, and exercising at least 3 times a week or more you are reducing your chances of mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. It’s important to make sure when establishing these pillars of health that you are making them measurable and achievable. What do I mean by that? Don’t set yourself up for failure. 

In 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, we are told, “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; your were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your bodies.” God wants us to take care of our mind, body, and our spiritual relationship with him. Spending time daily with God, in addition to eating healthy, getting plenty of sleep and exercising, are optimal ways we can honor the Lord.
We are seeking a Christian counselor skilled in biblical pastoral counseling for our counseling center. Preffered 2 years experience practicing pastoral counseling. To apply, candidate should email their resume and cover letter to Steve Lowe our Executive Director at steve@thejoyhouse.org.

 "Pastoral counselors recognize that each individual has emotions, desires, will, and intellect and they strive to offer individuals support in all of these areas. Pastoral counselors receive their direction through the infallible word of God and are guided by the Holy Spirit through prayer. It is within a “grace and truth” framework that pastoral counselors approach their sessions with each individual." -thejoyhouse.org
We want to say a BIG thank you to all of you who made our virtual house warming such a huge success last month. All of your kindness will allow us to further create a warm and welcoming home for our girls to move into. The finishing touches are being completed on the home over the next few days. We’ll be moving the girls in next week. Next month we should have pictures of the girls moved into their new home. Please be in prayer for a seamless transition for our house parents and girls as they move into the new home. Also be in prayer for our new boy’s house parents as they will be moving in next week as we re-open the boy’s home. 
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P.O. Box 247
Jasper, GA 30143
Phone: 706.253.7569
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