A Teen Residential Program and Community Counseling Center
We are in full preparation mode for Jammin for Joy 2024, our pickleball tourney fundraiser. This has become a signature fundraising event as well as a desired tournament that pickleball players enjoy playing in. Our adopted tagline is, “the tournament where your treated like a pro.” Jammin for Joy has enjoyed phenomenal growth in its first three years. At the inaugural event in 2021 we limited it to a single day Mixed Doubles event with only two skill levels. We had 80 players. In 2022 we did two days with Men’s, Women’s, and Mixed Doubles at multiple skill levels. We had 180+ players. Last year we expanded to 3 days to accommodate more players. We had 250+ players and shut down registration three weeks early because we had reached capacity.

We are excited to again be returning to The Courts at Bent Tree for this years tourney. They have expanded and upgraded their pickleball facilities in the past few months. With these upgrades we’re going to be able to accommodate 300+ players this year. Registration opened on May 1st and we already have around 180 committed players. I fully expect to fill the tournament by the end of June.

Our sponsors are a critical part of the success of the tournament. We have 10 high-level sponsorships ($1000 or more) available this year. We have already sold 8 of those sponsorships. We have a Shirt Sponsorship ($2500) and a Food Sponsorship ($1000) remaining. These are a great way to promote your business among the 300+ players/volunteers that will be part of the tournament, and we’ll also promote you on our Facebook page of 3700+ followers. In addition to the high-level sponsorships we have an unlimited amount of Court Sponsorships ($250) available. We will place your company logo on a sign that will be placed in a very visible location on one of our 10 courts. We also will promote your business on our Facebook page. I’m including link below to all the sponsorship and registration information. I hope many of you will consider a sponsorship to make a difference in the lives of those we serve. If you would like to do that please reach out to me at 
steve@thejoyhouse.org or via phone at 706-253-7569. 

Please join us in praying for another successful year of Jammin for Joy. We’ll have continued updates on this event over the next three months. 

Jammin for Joy – Sponsorship and Registration Information
I have noticed a common topic over the past few months with clients I see at the counseling center: “Friendship.” Many of my clients ask for advice on improving their friendships in their lives, and many ask for tips on improving their children’s friendships. I also have clients that do not understand the benefits of friendships. The truth is there can be so many benefits to having friends throughout our lifetime. I would love to offer some reasons why friendships can be so beneficial. 

One reason why friendships are important is because they help to reduce stress in our lives. Friendship gives us support through the good times and the bad times of life. Just the mere fact that you are spending time with others helps to reduce our stress. It offers a distraction to our stress by not letting us think about our stressors. I will often in my intakes or sessions talk with my clients about who their “supports” are? What I am looking for with this is who do they go to so that they can get through this stressful time and who do they trust with their issues in life. 

Another reason why friendships are important is because friends can encourage healthy behaviors. Having healthy positive relationships with people who make healthy positive choices can motivate you to make healthy choices as well. These positive friendships can also foster a bond. These healthy friends will encourage you to do your best and believe in you even when you don’t always believe in yourself. 

Finally, friendships are important to our emotional and mental health. Friends teach us to value ourselves while valuing others, they also help us to learn how to trust, communicate, show consistency, and resilience in our lives. They can provide a safe space for us to work through conflict and help us to learn how to express ourselves. Most importantly friendships help us to not feel lonely. We are not meant to live our lives alone. In Genesis 2:18 (NIV), The Lord God said, “It is not good for man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him” The feeling of loneliness can affect us by causing feelings of depression, anxiety, and isolation. The less lonely we are the better chance we have of being the best version of ourselves. The truth is God loves us to be together. God loves us to be on a mission together. God loves us to worship Him together. Jesus said, “For where two or more are gathered in my name, there I am among them.” Our togetherness not only matters to us, but it matters to God. 

On Thursday afternoons, you can find the Joy House girls at Sweet Dreams Farm (SDF). They’ll be hanging out with the Herd: Angel, Scarlett, Zee, Grace, Ember, Pete, Billie, Baby & maybe more. You’re probably picturing them in the saddle, trotting along or maybe mucking out stalls --but, actually, you’re more likely to find the girls on the ground talking with the horses. Perhaps you’re curious what they’re talking about, or maybe you’re thinking this is just fun nonsense. In reality, it’s much more than that. The girls (and the horses) are participants in the Visionary Journey (VJ), a class specially designed to teach communication skills and grow leaders. Each class includes 1) a communication lesson with book work and 2) application time where the lesson is put into practice using various natural horsemanship games. Horses are surprisingly good partners to practice communication skills with. This is especially true, if Rachel Norris, the genius behind VJ and a long-time natural horsemanship practitioner, is your guide. 

Recently, I asked the girls what they think about the horses, VJ, and SDF. Here’s what they told me.

About the Horses- 

Ember, a fifteen year old buckskin with beautiful ombre coloring in his mane and tail, is “sweet and affectionate. He’ll play you.” 

Zee, a glossy bay who was born at SDF, can be “sassy, and eats wood.” The girls know he will roll his eyes to let you know he’s not happy, just like people do.  

Angel, a matron at 20+ years old, is new to the farm and the natural horsemanship practiced at SDF. Faith says, “She is slow-learning, but tries and does it.” A key word with Angel is “Patience.”
Grace is a golden palomino, who acts like “a typical teenage girl.”

Pete, a previous hippotherapy horse, is “huge, gentle, lazy, sweet, and stubborn.” 

About the Farm-

“It's a therapeutic, safe place.” 

“You can’t help but smile when you’re there.”

 “Be ready for the horses to kiss all over you.”  The girls note that you will come home from a visit to the farm covered in horse hair and, possibly, slobber.

About the Visionary Journey Class-
The girls say class is “like therapy, where you learn how to play [horse] games: circling, yo-yo, driving game, and find me.”  They recommend SDF to anyone who’d like to learn to talk with horses, and, maybe, even to talk better with humans. 

A Note of Thanks: The horses mentioned above-- the ones the girls usually work with --are just a part of the larger SDF herd. Many of the horses and ponies at SDF are rescued and adopted; each one is uniquely special and has found a home at SDF. Victory’s Gait, a 501c3 non-profit organization associated with SDF and run by farm owner Vicki Craig, offers natural horsemanship and small farm management instruction with a focus on faith, leadership, responsibility, and horsemanship. All is taught under the banner of Micah 6:8  “He has shown you, O’man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”  

Thank you, Miss Vicki, Miss Rachel, and Miss Anna for all your time and care - sharing your love of the Lord, the herd, and your skills with us on Thursday afternoons.

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P.O. Box 247
Jasper, GA 30143
Phone: 706.253.7569
Fax: 706.253.7570

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