December 24, 2016
Today is both Christmas Eve and the first day of Hanukkah, so I'm sure the vast majority of you have something better to do than read these words... and I hope you have a fantastic holiday as we begin to close out 2016, whatever flavor that celebration might be.   In case you're looking for a little catch-up in your leisure time and aren't frantically preparing a feast or shopping for gifts or tipping your glass to celebrate with (or help you to tolerate) friends and loved ones, we did publish quite a few stories this week and I'm happy to catch you up...

Appropriate to the season, the most requested teaser solution this week was about a "Miracle!" The Breakthrough Technology Alert folks are pitching their letter by telling us that the paralyzed might walk again (and you'll get plenty of francincense and myrrh and gilt if you're part of it).   So what the heck are they really talking about?  Just click below to...

With individual stock selection now more critical than ever, this report is designed to bring you some of our top ideas for the year ahead. One of the companies highlighted in this report controls the smartphone market and now has its sights set on owning a bigger technology. It has the potential to be the most valuable stock in the history of investing. You need to find out the name of this company before the rest of the market does. This Report Is Completely Free, Download Your Copy Today
We spent a bit of time going over the first promo for Kim Iskyan's Asia Alpha Advisory, and that resulted in two articles -- we were looking into what he's talking about when he pitches "Project H," and what those specific investments might be.   Part one is here, and part two is here.

And this week we also published something a little different for you... you're used to hearing my warnings and skepticism about the hype-filled teaser ads from newsletter publishers, but now we've got another perspective to share.  A copywriter who has written some of those promos for one of the larger publishers got in touch and offered to share his side of the story -- why do they ladle on the hyperbole?  Why do they promise impossible gains?  He asked to remain anonymous, since he might want to work again someday, but I think you'll find his story interesting... click here to read it now.

Finally, the Irregulars got quite a few new articles this week as well -- I posted a couple updates, including the last Friday File of the year yesterday, and Dr. KSS continued his series on the "12 Biotechs of Christmas" ... those are all linked below in the Irregulars Corner.  

Thanks for reading!  We'll probably have a note or two to share in the quiet week between Christmas and New Year's Day but will mostly be closed down to spend time with our families... more to come in 2017, fasten your seat belts!

Disclaimer: Nothing in this email or in the linked articles should be considered to be individual investment advice -- we can't tell you what you should do with your money, we can just share our opinions and perspective. Our authors try to use reliable information sources but also make mistakes of both fact and judgement on occasion, so all assertions should be checked and confirmed. You should speak with your financial advisor and understand everything fully before committing money to any investment.

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