It’s time to “follow the money” with these new AI trades. Get my #1 trade today. You’ll be shocked to find out that these hidden stocks are ready to rocket higher.

The Artificial Intelligence gold rush is here.


And cloud computing companies are spending furiously to stay on the cutting edge.


Click here to discover my #1 AI trade for 2024 (name & ticker revealed).


This year the top 4 AI “hyperscalers” will put $181 billion into capital investments.


This includes investments from Alphabet, Amazon, Meta Platforms and Microsoft. And it doesn’t even include billions being spent by hundreds of other tech stocks.


That’s a 36% increase in the last year, according to a new report from JP Morgan.



Let me put this in context…


The world’s top 4 oil companies are BP, Chevron, Exxon Mobil and Shell. Together they’ll spend around $80 billion on capital investments this year.


This chart shows that big tech has been outspending big oil since 2020.



Right now, the spread between big tech spending and big oil spending is around $100 billion.

That’s right…


2X more money is being invested in Artificial Intelligence than is being spend developing new sources of oil and natural gas.


That’s why smart investors must…


“Follow the money.”


The huge investment in AI requires huge amounts of electricity.

That’s why I’m incredibly bullish on Hyper Power 2.0 stocks.


This has quickly become my…


The #1 Trade for 2024: The Secret Backdoor to AI Profits


Simply click here for urgent details.




P.S. Did you miss out on big profits with Nvidia and Meta Platform?


You won’t want to sit on the sidelines anymore. Go here asap – before these stocks takeoff.



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