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Science Lab Report

The Event Horizon Telescope, a group of telescope observatories around the world that function as one large telescope, rocked the scientific community when it finally captured the first photo of a black hole ever recorded. That feat was accomplished in 2017, with the stunning photo released to the public in 2019. So now that the seemingly impossible was achieved, the Event Horizon’s Telescope focus has been shifted to cosmic jets. 


Scientists explain that cosmic jets are made up of plasma that is hurled from multiple black holes. Researchers contend that in order to fully understand black holes, we need to first understand the cosmic jets they create. And that’s where the Event Horizon Telescope comes in. How do scientists plan to use the group of telescopes to better understand cosmic jets and black holes? Learn more about the plan here and be sure to check out some of the stunning photos from the Event Horizon Telescope.. 

The ALMA telescope in Chile that is part of the Event Horizon Telescope group

Image source: Luc Novovitch / Alamy

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Until Next Time,


This has been John Denton

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