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Intercultural Cities Programme
Intercultural Cities July 2019
Launch of the Intercultural Cities didactic videos
The Intercultural Cities (ICC) programme launches a series of didactic and awareness videos addressing local governments wishing to evolve as intercultural municipalities.
3rd Inclusive Integration Policy Lab meeting
Since November 2017, the so called “Inclusive Integration Policy Lab” has already held 3 meetings, seeing its membership constantly growing, so as the level of interest in the initiative.
ICC Expert visit to Dudelange
On 11-12 July the ICC programme will carry out an expert visit to Dudelange, one of the newest ICC member and the first city from Luxembourg to join the ICC network.
New Group on Diversity in the Workplace Formed in Kirklees
DIVERSITY = INNOVATION is a new group formed by employers and businesses in the Kirklees (UK) district, to focus upon reaping the opportunities of the diversity advantage in the labour market and enterprise.
Reykjavik discusses measures towards a more intercultural society
The City Council of Reykjavík and the Intercultural Council of Reykjavik held a joint meeting on 30 April to discuss issues that are important to immigrants. As an outcome, five proposals were presented concerning immigration issues.
16th Coordination meeting of the Spanish Network of Intercultural Cities
On 10-11 April the Spanish Network of Intercultural cities (RECI) held its 16th coordination meeting in Madrid, at Caixa Forum premises.
Outcomes of the ICC experts’ visit to Oeiras (Portugal)
On 20-21 March the ICC carried out an expert visit to Oeiras (Portugal), one of the most recent ICC members.
ProfilPASS – a tool for the assessment of migrants competences
The ProfilPASS is a tool based on the assumption that people have learnt a lot but are not aware of their own competences. It is a means to reveal hidden competences, interests and resources each person has.
Cities publish guidance on irregular migrants
The 11 cities in the City Initiative on Migrants with Irregular Status in Europe (CMISE) have, with the support of Oxford University, just published comprehensive Guidance for Municipalities on how to respond to the presence of migrants with irregular status
Latest publications
Upcoming events
11-12 July | Dudelange, Luxembourg
ICC expert’s visit 

11-12 September 2019 | Manchester, United Kingdom
1st expert's visit

13-14 September 2019 | Bradford, United Kingdom
1st expert's visit

25-26 September 2019
Meeting of ICC coordinators
Council of Europe, Avenue de l'Europe F-67075 Strasbourg Cedex
Tel. +33 (0)3 88 41 20 00
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