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Intercultural Cities Programme
Intercultural Cities July 2020
Webinar on instruments and tools to fight systemic racism: registrations opened!
On 7 July, the Anti-Discrimination Department of the Council of Europe will hold a webinar ‘From challenges to solutions: instruments and tools to fight systemic racism’. The webinar will explore the effectiveness of Council of Europe tools for combating systemic racism and creating anti-racist societies, and the need to further strengthen their uptake in member states.
Welcome to the Intercultural Cities Programme Welcome and brand Packages!
The welcome pack includes a brand package with guidance and tools (banners, logos and visuals, templates for presentations, fast facts models, customisable profile photos, e-signatures, etc.) for adopting a common and shared identity.
Gentrification is a process through which lower income residents are displaced from the neighbourhood due to an influx of new residents, resulting in a change of character of the neighbourhood. Therefore, gentrification has two key features: displacement, both physical and symbolic and change in social and urban character.
A policy brief on “LGBTI Inclusion and Equality Initiatives for the Intercultural City” to mark the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia
With our increasingly globalised world and fast paced change occurring all around us, many Council of Europe Member States have seen a rise in anti-LGBTI sentiments, alongside racist, xenophobic and anti-minority attitudes. The intercultural integration approach advocated by the Intercultural Cities programme is rights-based.
The ICC Special Covid-19 page is updated with new promising practices
From the perspective of local authorities acting interculturally in diverse societies, the safety measures imposed by the spread of Covid-19 virus and disease pose emergency challenges linked to access to health care and related information. The ICC Special Covid-19 page take stock of the best practices communicated by ICC members and beyond.
World Refugee Day 2020: “Everyone Can Make a Difference, Every Action Counts”
"Mobility can be a choice linked to personal aspirations and life projects, but sometimes it is simply a survival strategy, the only possible issue. This is the case for the 79.5 Million people that were forcibly displaced in 2019 to remain alive, according to UNHCR data..."
Three Intercultural Cities among the 26 municipalities awarded a distinction by the Europe Prize Sub-Committee
The Sub-Committee on the Europe Prize decided on 19 May 2020 to award 8 Plaques of Honour, 6 Flags of Honour and 12 European Diplomas, distinctions which are all part of the Europe Prize. innytsia (Ukraine) was awarded the Plaque of Honour, which is the second highest distinction after the Europe Prize. Reggio Emilia (Italy) and Bilbao (Spain) were awarded the European Diploma.
The ICC Anti-rumours manual now available in Japanese
After the release of the English, French, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese versions of the Anti-Rumours Manual, the ICC ais pleased to announce the launch of the Japanese version.
ICC Manual on Community Policing now available in Spanish, Italian and Ukrainian
After the release of the English and French versions of the Manual on Community Policing, the ICC programme is pleased to announce the launch of the Spanish, Italian and Ukrainian versions.
Amadora launches a Guide on the welcoming of migrants
The municipality of Amadora has launched a “Welcoming Guide for the Migrant Population”, which gathers information on the resources available in the city of Amadora to support migrants and provides basic information about social coexistence, which are fundamental for the proper integration into the host community.
21st May, World Day on Cultural Diversity
ICC Cities Melitopol and Ballarat awarded an ICC City Grant for developing a training module on intercultural competence
Melitopol and Ballarat are two of the cities who have been awarded a joint grant under the Intercultural Cities Programme’s grant scheme for inter-city work.
Bilbao, Castellò de la Plana, Tenerife Island and Donostia/San Sebastiàn awarded an ICC grant for the development of a pioneering joint project on Intercultural competences
The municipality of Bilbao, together with Castellò de la Plana, Tenerife and Donostia/San Sebastiàn (Spain) have been awarded one of the grants opened by the Intercultural Cities programme for inter-cities projects.
The cities of Reggio Emilia and Novellara (Italy) awarded an inter-city ICC grant for project on interfaith actions
The Cities of Reggio Emilia and Novellara in Italy have been awarded an ICC grant for inter-city work for a project on developing a methodology for interfaith work, applicable to both the Italian and the international contexts.
Connecting Cities During the COVID Crisis: Challenges and Opportunities for ICC
The notion of “connectivity” generally refers to developments in the fields of transportation and communication. But in the context of the current global health crisis, connecting with each other across physical and social distances has become a source of increasing interest and concern, especially for professionals and researchers who are active in international networks such as ICC.
Guro - Seoul (South Korea) organised the first Intercultural Festival Online!
The City of Guro held on May 20th the first Intercultural Festival online to celebrate people with various cultural backgrounds who are residing in South Korea.
ICC Call for tenders-> Creation of a tool to create online ICC charts and ensure their maintenance and updating
ICC is looking for consultants with expertise on the creation of a tool to create online ICC charts and ensure their maintenance and updating.
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