Halls Fine Art
Halls Fine Art
Halls Fine Art
Halls Fine Art

Our July Antiques and Collectables Auction is live online now!

View all the lots today and tomorrow at our Shrewsbury saleroom
9.30am - 4.30pm

View the catalague online now...
Buying With Halls
Halls celebrate success of new online Modern & Contemporary auctions

Selling with Halls couldn’t be simpler.

With two auctions a month we are always looking for items to include in our collections. If you are in any doubt, bring your items along and we shall help you take the first step in selling at auction.


Selling With Halls

What's it worth?

Whether you need a valuation for one item or a whole house full, we are here to help. 

The first thing we need to know is what sort or valuation would you like?  The main types we deal with are valuations for auction, 
insurance and probate


We offer free auction advice and estimates, without obligation, to help you decide whether or not to sell at auction. 

If you have images of your items we have an online valuation form where you can upload them and any information you would like the specialist to have. This way they can contact you directly with a valuation.


Online Valuation Form

Monday Valuations

If you are able to transport your items and would like to be able to leave it with us on the day, if you choose to sell, then this is for you. 

Come along any Monday (except Bank Holidays) between 10am-1pm to our Battlefield salerooms, no appointment necessary, and we’ll advise you on your next step.


Where to Find Us
Halls Fine Art
Halls Fine Art
Halls Fine Art
Halls Fine Art
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