Dear Friends,

I hope all of you are able to keep up with the changes that are happening rapidly in our lives now. It seems as though nothing is the same, and sometimes this is good and other times it can be quite challenging to navigate. We are all in it together, and I hope you are remembering to breathe deeply and take good care of yourself. In this letter I want to write to you about motivation and how we can use it in our lives to transform ourselves in all aspects. Many of you were quite motivated at the beginning of year, as most of us are, but then along the way the spark fizzled out. Summer is another great time of year to catch the winds of motivation as we feel more energized by the sun and longer days.

Because we are in a rapid state of flux at this time, it is more important than ever to be motivated about taking care of yourself mind, body, and spirit. When we are strong in all of these areas, we have a much better chance of taking in stride whatever comes our way. We can then be a source of strength for others that aren't motivated enough to care for themselves; we can become their support system without draining ourselves. By staying motivated it is a win-win situation for all.

To help you catch the motivation bug, I have chosen four of our online courses that will motivate you either in mind, body, or spirit. I hope you find something that appeals to you and allow yourself to be a bastion for yourself and others.

You Are a Badass at Habits by Jen Sincero. This is a three-week course by my friend Jen Sincero. Jen has been on The NYT Best Seller list with her Badass book for such a long time I have lost count. She knows her stuff and walks her talk. This course is delivered to you each day for 21 days. You will receive the resources, mind-set tools, and accountability you need to create new habits that stick. Twenty-one days of high-vibe videos and worksheets are included. more info

The Best Year of Your Life by Debbie Ford. Debbie was a dear friend, and her work will never go out of date. Almost 10,000 people have taken this life-changing course so far. Each week you will receive a new lesson for 52 weeks. A few of the topics covered are learn about self-sabotage, how to nurture your inner child, the gifts of the shadow, forgiving yourself, and creating a plan of action. more info

21-Day Total Transformation by Sadie Nardini and Ariel Joseph Towne. Receive a new lesson each day for a total of 21 lessons. Sadie is one of our top course authors and we adore her motivational energy. Ariel is a well-known feng shui master, and together they have created a course to help transform you in 21 days. In this course you will learn to find and bust anything standing in your way of living an amazing life. Topics covered are finances, love and relationships, exercise, turning dreams into reality, and kick-starting your manifesting tools. more info

Manage Your Time with Mindfulness by Tom Evans. Who doesn't want to accomplish more in less time? Learn how with Tom's eight-week course. Each week you will receive a new course covering topics that include learning where your time leaks come from, how your left and right brains experience time differently, how to tune into your future self for guidance, and so much more. more info

Please remember to go out and have some fun over these long summer days. Your joy will spread and make somebody else feel good too.

Be well,

Madisyn Taylor