Where writers come
together to create.
eWriteabout June 2024
The Gold Coast Writers' Association is a volunteer-run
not-for-profit organisation.

Our mission is to encourage and support writers from all genres, age groups and levels of experience to grow, learn and excel in their craft.
We meet on the third Saturday of the month. 
Editor's Note

Hello everyone, 

I hope you are enjoying the bright blue skies and fresh crisp start of another fabulous winter on the Gold Coast. 

GCWA members are certainly busy out in your community: from the successful Pop-up Bookshop to the upcoming Critique Groups, Write & Sip, Think Big! library panel discussion, The Ten Penners reading from their new book and Christine Betts hosting HOTA's inaugural Ekphrastic Writing Workshop – I looked it up:

'Ekphrastic poetry has come to be defined as poems written about works of art; however, in ancient Greece, the term ekphrasis was applied to the skill of describing a thing with vivid detail. We’re going to expand the concept further to encompass any writing inspired by an artwork. Consider it fan fiction for your fave artist.'

Christine is also doing an Author Talk with Nikki Mottram about her new crime novel Killarney at Kingscliff Library on Wednesday 5 June at 10.30 am and is joining Kylie Chan as one of our guest speakers this month.

If you are interested in becoming a member then all the benefits can be found here on our GCWA website

And it is a great time to join us as and get to know your fellow writers as we have a Members' Lunch coming up on the 5th of July – look forward to seeing you there!

P.S. Don't forget to check out two of our Micro Fiction Winners

Theme: A Day Out
Limit: 100 words

Jackie Washington, Editor
President's Report

Dear GCWA members and friends,

Mid-year already. Hope everyone’s writing goals are coming along. I had a lovely ‘no thank you’ rejection recently, and I say the word lovely as the feedback from the publisher has me thinking a rewrite is in order. So, as I complete my current work in progress, I’ll also need to find some time for a rework of the last manuscript. I have been continuing with my learnings attending as many workshops as I can, coming away with a new idea or enhanced skill each time.

I’ve also taken on Jo Skinner’s idea from the Brisbane Scribes' April workshop to try submitting a story a week. 52 submissions in 52 weeks. I am at 8 out of 52 so far and happy with what I have been producing. Most are new works, but some are a rewrite of an existing short story for a new competition.
Our GCWA short story competition is now closed, and our busy judges are creating the shortlist. Stay tuned for the announcements when the reading is finished. Good luck to everyone who entered.
The big news for the GCWA this month is we have our first Gold Coast Libraries event. Join us 11th of June at Robina Library from 6.30-8.00pm. We are encouraging you to think big and achieve those writing goals this year. The reason I proposed the idea to the libraries is that I see our members and guests coming to our events bursting with questions. I often get stopped in the breaks to get asked all range of questions and regret that I never have the time to answer as fully as I would like. So, the 11th of June event is for all of your writing, publishing, editing and marketing questions. The GCWA panel will spend the first hour answering everything you can throw at them. The next half an hour is for networking and speaking one on one to the panellists. Hope to see many of you there. Make sure to register your interest for the event on the library link listed in this newsletter.
Remember also our crime-themed Write and Sip on 5th of June at Whisky Lounge, Mudgeeraba and our member-only Critique Groups at Bookness. We are a busy writing community aren’t we. Hope to see you out and about.

Kellie Cox, GCWA President 
Create, Inspire, Connect.
Vice President's Monthly (or so) Musings

Watch this space for more mayhem and musing from our VP!

Jen Swenson, GCWA Vice President 
Create, Inspire, Connect.
The GCWA meets on the third Saturday of each month.

We are at our usual meeting place at the

111-136 Christine Ave, Burleigh Waters QLD 4220

Click here for the Google Maps location


  • 11:45 Arrive and register
  • 12:00 Meeting start – brief announcements
  • 12:10 Introduction of Kylie Chan
  • 13:00 Kylie Chan: Writing for Virtual Reality
  • 13:15 Tea and networking break
  • 13:45 Writing Essentials Workshop: Generating ideas for your                   stories with Christine Betts
  • 15:00 Close

Members and visitors are encouraged to arrive at 11:45 to complete the entry process so we can start on time. If you have flu-like symptoms or feel unwell, please stay at home and get better quickly.

GCWA members: $5.00
Visitors: $10.00

EFTPOS payment preferred; however, cash is accepted.


Kylie Chan: Writing for Virtual Reality

Join us to journey with best-selling fantasy author Kylie Chan into the realm of Virtual Reality storytelling to explore the fusion of technology and creativity, where words come alive in three-dimensional worlds.

Paper and pens will be supplied for the workshop, but participants are invited to bring coloured pens/pencils and a new cheap journal/notebook/sketchbook.

Kylie Chan has a BBus in information technology, an MBA in IT, and an MPhil in Creative Writing. She started out as an IT consultant and trainer specialising in business intelligence systems in Australia, and then had her own consulting business for ten years in Hong Kong. When she returned to Australia, Kylie wrote the bestselling nine-book Dark Heavens fantasy series, followed by the Dragon Empire science fiction series. Her 2023 speculative novel Minds of Sand and Light explores the theme of artificial intelligence and its possible impact on society. She is a full-time writer based on Queensland’s Gold Coast.

For more information, please head to the GCWA website

GCWA Writing Essentials Workshop – 2

Getting Started – Generating ideas for stories
with Christine Betts

In this interactive workshop, Christine will show you some tricks and tactics for generating story ideas and starting to write. Whether you want to write novels or flash fiction, this workshop will help you silence your inner critic and get writing.

Christine Betts has published two novels and a collection of short stories. Her story How I Got this Tattoo won the 2022 Tasmanian Writers’ Prize. She won the November 2021 QWC RightLeftWrite, shortlisted in the 2021 Scarlet Stiletto Awards, and is published in multiple anthologies. She is a regular In Conversation host for Gold Coast Libraries and Richmond-Tweed Libraries.

Christine has been a member of the GCWA since 2019 and has served as newsletter editor from May 2021 to May 2023 and Speaker Coordinator from May 2023 to July 2024. Christine is the creator of the popular Write and Sip fundraising events and patron/judge of the GCWA Short Story Competition in 2022 and 2023. In 2023, Christine created the GCWA members Critique Group.

A firm believer that writers will save the world, she writes daily and encourages everyone around her to join in. She lives and works on Bundjalung country with her family.

For more information, please head to theGCWA website

Two Critique Groups in June 2024

The Gold Coast Writers' Association Critique Group aims to help its members improve the readability of their work. Giving and receiving feedback on our work can be scary so we have a strict ‘Constructive Feedback Only’ rule.

After a short introduction, we take a piece to read and provide written feedback. The final 30 minutes will be an opportunity for each person to give and receive feedback to each person in the group. We may break into two groups depending on numbers.

We now have an afternoon Critique Group
The first meeting is Tuesday 18 June 2024 from 1.00 - 3.00 pm. Please arrive in time for a 1.00 pm start.

The next evening meeting is Thursday 20 June 2024 from 5.30 - 7.30 pm.
Arrive in time for a 5.30 pm start.

Cost: $10 includes a hot beverage.

Please join the Gold Coast Writers' Association to attend. Click here for more information on GCWA membership.

Learn to give and receive feedback to improve your work in a friendly, positive space.

Each writer will bring the following:

1.      An open and caring attitude. All feedback should be constructive and informed. The rules of engagement will be posted in the Facebook group and at each meeting.

2.     Please bring two printed copies of a piece of written work for critique, up to 1000 words, printed on one side and stapled. Use 3cm margins, double spacing, an easily readable font, indent/new line for each line of dialogue and the working title and genre in the header. Ensure you have edited and proofread the piece to the best of your ability.

3.      A cover page stapled to the front with the following information.
  • Genre
  • Format (a short story or excerpt from a larger piece of work i.e. longer story, novella, novel.)
  • Three or four points you would like the critique group to focus on when critiquing your piece. i.e. Character development/arc, dialogue, story arc, setting and world building, genre-specific beats, conflict. Be as specific as you like or leave it up to the reader.

‘Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfils the same function as pain in the human body. It calls attention to an unhealthy state of things.’
– Winston Churchill

For bookings, head over to the Bookness Events page.

If you have any questions, please email gcwa.news@gmail.com


Write & Sip June 2024

This month's genre is Crime, and we are excited to be partnering with Sisters in Crime Qld and have as our special guests, local authors, Megan Norris and Poppy Gee.

Megan Norris is a freelance writer, author and journalist. Over the past two decades she has covered some of the country's biggest newsbreaks, writing major world exclusives on everything from the Port Arthur Massacres, the Bali Bombings, to behind-the-scenes stories from Melbourne's Underworld Wars and a procession of high-profile court cases. Her books Look What You Made Me Do and Out of the Ashes won Best Nonfiction of 2017 and 2023, respectively, at the Sisters in Crime Australia Davitt Awards.

Poppy Gee is the author of two riveting crime mysteries set in Tasmania, which is where she spent her childhood. She has worked as a journalist, editor, book reviewer and journalism/creative writing teacher and holds a master’s degree in creative writing from the University of Queensland.

Both women will share from their varied experience to help us unravel the burning mysteries we can’t wait to get onto paper.

Reserve your spot now for an evening of prose and pinot, prosecco, or pink lemonade!

Date: Wednesday 5 June 2024
Time: 7-9 pm
Location: Whisky Lounge
Shop 2A/58 Railway St
Mudgeeraba, QLD 4213

$20 GCWA members 
$40 for non-members Click here for more information on GCWA membership
Includes a drink on arrival (beer/basic spirit/glass of wine/non-alcoholic), nibbles and a goodie bag.
Meals can be ordered (at the bar) from local restaurants.

Click here to get your tickets and keep an eye on the Write & Sip Facebook page for more information.

All proceeds from the night will support the Gold Coast Writers’ Association to help writers from all genres, age groups, and levels to grow, learn, and excel in their craft.

If you have any questions, please email gcwa.news@gmail.com


Get to know your fellow writers at the GCWA Members' Lunch!

Date: Friday 5 July 2024

Time: 12 pm

Place: Robina Pavilion

Address: 229 Ron Penhaligon Way, Robina 4226

About: No charge, order your own food and drinks

RSVP: To Selena before 28 June to reserve your spot. 
Text 0439333033 or email gcwa.publicitycoordinator@gmail.com



We love sharing news from our GCWA members to shine the spotlight on new work, awards and publishing wins from local writers. Here's just a taste of the success in and around the Gold Coast writing community in recent weeks.

Congratulations this month go to Christine Betts who is facilitating HOTA's inaugural Ekphrastic Writing Workshop to coincide with the opening of A Bigger View, a collaborative exhibition between the National Gallery of Australia and HOTA Home of the Arts.

For more information, please go to the HOTA website

The Ten Penners, a sub-group of the GCWA, is holding an event at the Runaway Bay Library on Thursday 6th of June, from 3.30 to 4.30 pm. Carly will be reading ‘Theo Wants to Wakeboard’ from ‘Backyard Beasts & Curious Capers’. We will have a Q&A about our story and a colouring sheet to hand out. Small prizes for correct answers will be given out. Bookmarks and leaflets will also be given to parents who may be interested in purchasing the book. We will display our previous books ‘Fan-tas-tic-al Tales’ and ‘Mystery Mayhem & Magic’.
For more information, please go to the Gold Coast Libraries website

If you have exciting GCWA member news to share, please email our Association Editor at gcwa.editor@gmail.com with all the details.


First Place – Janine Harris

Whispered voices. Stifled yawns. Sleepy murmurs. Bags heavy, piled high. Food containers clinking. Seats creaking. Thudding doors, one, two, three, four. 

Engine revving. Forward movement.  A place to be. A new destination. A feeling of purpose.
Time slipping. Spinning tyres. Humming tarmac. Sun rays peeping. Voices slowly connecting. Treats shared. Rustling wrappers. Directions read. Indicators flicking to and fro.
Doors thudding one, two, three, four. Silence. Clock ticking. Moments slipping.  
Distant voices growing closer. Family voices. Lock clicks. Doors thud, one, two, three.
Someone’s missing. Tears fall. Hands squeezed. Aching hearts. Homeward bound. 
A new chapter.

Third Place – Arnold van der Vegt
Ben’s Day Out
After breakfast, Ben did the tourist bit and caught a tram to St Kilda. He walked along the shoreline, eventually reaching Elwood Beach. Ben removed his shoes, rolled up his trousers, and waded into the shallow water – childhood memories.
A Black SUV drove into the car park, but no one alighted. It was time to leave. It could be nothing, paranoia even. The SUV followed him. He lost them jumping several fences. Ben knew he was a target, but couldn’t they leave him alone on his first day out from a ten-year sentence served at Barwon Prison?
Thank you to our generous prize donors
Our donations for our May raffles came from:
Book gift voucher from Candice Lemon Scott
BB Books  https://www.bigbbooks.com.au/

QBD book gift voucher from member Terri Spring

Dendy movie passes

Donated books from member Jen Swenson

Books and chocolates from GCWA

The following tickets are now available:

  • 3-day tickets for all Festival events
  • Friday day pass
  • Saturday day pass
  • Saturday Big Book Club High Tea with Sally Hepworth and Kirsty Manning
  • Sunday Local Author Long Lunch

For ticket inclusions, terms and conditions, please visit the Festival’s website


If you would like to order a GCWA badge with your name and member number, email our treasurer at gcwa.executivetreasurer@gmail.com with your preferred name.

Then deposit $15.00 into the GCWA General Account
BSB: 034-279
ACC: 435356
using your surname and 'badge' as a reference.

Or you can place your order directly with us at the
Saturday meeting.
Each month the Gold Coast Libraries offer
brilliant workshops and author talks.


Performance poetry and page-turners

- Pride Month is here!


June is Pride Month, reminding us that that freedom and equality, tolerance and respect apply to everyone, regardless of who we are and who we love. We're celebrating with special events and highlighting our range of resources for, by and about our LGBTIQAP+ library members.

For more information go to Gold Coast Libraries


  • Thursday, 06 June 2024 | 03:30 PM - 04:30 PM

Discover the magic of The Ten Penners as they read from their new book Backyard Beasts and Curious Capers. Come along and meet the authors.

For kids aged 6 –12yrs. Bookings required.

For more information go to Gold Coast Libraries


  • Tuesday, 11 June 2024 | 06:30 PM - 08:00 PM

Learn from a panel of experts and elevate your writing. This year, the Gold Coast Writers’ Association is setting its sights high and invites you to join them in doing so. 

For more information go to Gold Coast Libraries


  • Wednesday, 12 June 2024 | 06:30 PM - 07:30 PM

Drawing on a lifetime of research, highly respected social commentator Hugh Mackay presents a portrait of Australia today and reflects on societal changes including the consequences of social media, the legacy of the Baby Boomers and the positive role that dreaming can play in our lives.

For more information go to Gold Coast Libraries


  • Thursday, 13 June 2024 | 06:30 PM - 07:30 PM

The Radio Hour will appeal to fans of Bonnie Garmus’s Lessons in Chemistry and highlights the extraordinary and unseen women who write the radio plays that provided enduring hours of entertainment for the nation.

For more information go to Gold Coast Libraries


  • Friday, 14 June 2024 | 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM   Runaway Bay Library
  • Friday, 14 June 2024 | 12:30 PM - 01:30 PM   Nerang Library

Join bestselling rural romance writer Stella Quinn at Runaway Bay Library as she talks about her latest book Down the Track. She will then be joined by Cathryn Hein at Nerang Library who will be discussing her latest book The Grazier's Son.

For more information go to Gold Coast Libraries


  • Thursday, 20 June 2024 | 06:30 PM - 07:30 PM

Rodrigo will be sharing his research and methodology from his book The Art of Longevity on how to consider movement, nutrition and mindset as the keys to living a long and pain-free life. You’ll learn how to create healthy routines and integrate them into your everyday life. Rodrigo will be in conversation with award-winning surf journalist, author, storyteller and Gold Coast local Tim Baker.

For more information go to Gold Coast Libraries


  • Tuesday, 02 July 2024 | 06:30 PM - 07:30 PM

In his latest book, The Afterlife Confessional, Bill shares his journey of the things he’s witnessed and learned as the ‘Coffin Confessor’, exploring the finality of death, the power of legacy and Bill’s search for answers about what do we make out of the handful of days we are given?

For more information go to Gold Coast Libraries


  • Thursday, 04 July 2024 | 06:00 PM - 07:00 PM

In SPLIT, Maggie Walters finds her ‘normal’, makes peace with her past and rebuilds her life after a turbulent childhood. Join her as she discusses this memoir about resilience and self-discovery while living with multiple personality disorder.

For more information go to Gold Coast Libraries


  • Saturday, 06 July 2024 | 10:00 AM - 12:15 PM

Dive into the world of publishing with the award-winning author, Siang Lu, in an enlightening workshop. Siang Lu, celebrated for his masterpiece The Whitewash, an Audiobook of the Year at the Australian Book Industry Awards, and the creative mind behind The Beige Index and #sillybookstagram, invites you to a unique session that demystifies the numbers behind publishing success.

For more information go to Gold Coast Libraries
Gold Coast Libraries and the Queensland Writers Centre have teamed up to offer Gold Coast writers a space to cultivate their habit of writing and connect with other writers in the community. Following the Pomodoro Technique, Writing Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays are a free, volunteer-led program for local writers at all levels.

For more information go to Gold Coast Libraries

Advertising Member


Website Advertising for 1 year (Member)

Advertising Non-Member


Website Advertising for 1 year (Non-Member)


Email gcwa.websitemanager@gmail.com for details of specifications required

Support your local Independent book store.

GCWA MEMBERS Mention your membership at Big B Books
in Burleigh Heads to receive 10% off books.
Open notebook on a table next to a cup of tea

Would you like to be a member of the GCWA?

The Gold Coast Writers' Association aims to support and encourage writers of all levels, across all genres. We welcome writers and readers to share their experiences and connect with a wider audience.

Here are some of the benefits of joining the Association:

  • Gain access to the ‘Members Only’ Facebook page where you can connect with other members and find useful writing resources.
  • Promote and sell your books through associated avenues.
  • Receive members’ rates at all GCWA special events.
  • Network and collaborate with individuals across all levels of writing.
  • Benefit from opportunities to meet and socialise with like-minded people in a friendly environment.
More GCWA membership information here ...
People sitting at a desk in a conference room
Come and join us on the GCWA Facebook page and members, be sure to join the
Gold Coast Writers’ Association Members group.

We'd love your feedback! If you have some tips and suggestions for the committee, please email Kellie on gcwa.president@gmail.com and if you love the GCWA, head over to our Facebook page and give us your 5-star review.

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GCWA Membership
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Our mailing address is:
PO Box 3235, Robina Town Centre Qld 4230

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