Osaka Office Art, PERSOL CAREER Vision Wall and This&That Café Vol. 44 "Alone Together" Event Report |
Osaka Office Art Project 大阪オフィスアー ト |
We invited artist MOYA to paint a beautiful contemporary Japanese piece for a new office space located in central Osaka. With his distinctive line art and a combination of gold and gray base accents, MOYA added a subtle “Wa” essence while complementing the refined design of this single-floor office space.
With the help of the artist, we also created a motion graphics screensaver for the monitor located in the center of the art wall. The graphics act as an extension of the artwork and morph into various motifs featuring Osaka landmarks and themes. |
PERSOL CAREER: Vision Wall Workshop パーソルキャリア株式会社:ビジョン・ウォール |
転職サービスの「doda」等、さまざまな人材サービスを手掛ける パーソルキャリア株式会社。パーソルキャリアは、『人々に「はたらく」を自分のものにする力を』という企業ミッションをより広く社員やオフィスを訪れる方々に広めたいとの思いから、TokyoDexにビジョン・ウォールの制作を依頼しました。
作品には、十二支の動物たちがあらゆる障害を乗り越え、希望へ向かい自分が信じた道を突き進んでいく様子が描かれています。動物は、生きるためだけに生きるを体現している存在であり、「生きると働く」が融合している姿の象徴です。また、十二支は終わりなく続いていく営みの「循環」を表し、楽しい瞬間や苦しい時を繰り返し、一生を歩んでいくことを連想させます。 動物たちが、苦悩や困難の象徴として描かれたコーンや赤信号等の障害物に負けず、むしろそれらを利用して前進していく様子からは、障害さえも成長の糧とする、前向きさ・意志の強さが伝わってきます。また動物の影の中には、「あらゆる人や組織に寄り添い引き立てることのできるブランドでありたい」との想いが込められているコーポレートカラーのPERSOL GRAYが用いられています。
PERSOL CAREER provides job search websites such as “doda” and a variety of human resources services. TokyoDex was commissioned to create a vision wall for them to help visualize their corporate mission “Give people the power to own their work-life” to employees and visitors to their office.
Employees from different departments participated in a workshop, tasked with coming up with and deepening understanding of PERSOL CAREER’s mission. Some examples raised were “people who follow the path they believe in,” “people who don’t give up even when faced with difficulties,” and “people whose lives and work are integrated and well balanced.” Through these discussions, participants created illustrations based on keywords identified in the workshop, and artist Youhei Takahashi drew inspiration from those drawings to create this vision wall.
The work depicts the Chinese zodiac animals overcoming all obstacles, moving towards hope by following the path they believe in. Animals live based on instinct and survival. They are a symbol of the integration of “living and working.” The Chinese zodiac symbolizes an infinitive activity cycle and suggests living a full life despite all of its ups and downs. Construction cones and red traffic lights were drawn as symbols of distress and difficulties. These things present challenges to the animals, but rather than submitting, the animals harness their strength to move forward. This wall art conveys the animals’ positivity and strength of will to follow their own path as they grow to overcome their challenges.
The shadows of the animals are painted in PERSOL GRAY, the corporate color of PERSOL CAREER. This color was chosen to amplify the lighter tones and make the animals’ expressions more vivid. |
A Successful This&That Cafe Vol.44 "Alone Together" This&That Cafe Vol.44 「ひとりでみんなと」 |
5月28日に初めてオンラインで開催されたTnTCafe Vol.44。このイベントを実現させるためにご協力いただいたアーティスト、スタッフ、そしてご参加いただいた皆様、ありがとうございました!
コロナウィルスの影響が続く中、This&That Caféにて自然に生まれてきた人と人との結びつきやクリエイティブなエネルギーを再現したいという思いから、「ひとりでみんなと」が誕生しました。私たちにとって初のオンラインイベントの#TnTCafe Vol.44は、世界中から150名以上の方々にリアルタイムでご参加いただき、インタラクティブで大盛り上がりのバーチャルイベントとなりました。
Thanks to all of the artists, crew and everyone who joined us on May 28th to make TnTCafé Vol. 44 possible!
During these difficult times, “Alone Together” was born from the desire to recreate some of the much-needed sense of community and creative energy that flows so naturally at This&That Café. Our first-ever online event, #TnTCafe Vol. 44 was an experimental and interactive virtual gathering with over 150 people joining us in real time from around the globe.
We send our heartfelt thanks to all the artists and crew that helped make this happen as well as to all the participants who brought their good vibes to the event! |
最後までお読み頂き、ありがとうございます! どうぞこの機会にTokyoDexのFacebook公式ページに「いいね!」を押していただき、 TwitterとInstagramをフォーローしてください!近況や今後のお知らせをご覧いただけたればと思います。 それでは今回はこの辺で。皆様と近いうちお会いできるのを楽しみにしています! 尚、このメールは、配信登録をされた方に配信しております。 ニュースレター購読停止をご希望の方は、「購読停止」ボタンをクリックしてください。
That’s all for now! If you haven't already, please take this opportunity to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter and Instagram for all of the latest news on our events and new projects. Thanks always for your support and hope to see you all soon! If you would rather not receive newsletter emails in the future, please click "unsubscribe" below. 購読停止/Unsubscribe |