A Teen Residential Program and Community Counseling Center

June 2020 E-News

By: Steve Lowe, Executive Director

It is beautiful  to watch how Christ joins together the puzzle pieces of our life. On Thursday, June 19th we gathered together to celebrate that with Dallas and her family. She entered the program at the end of May 2019 and completed the program in just ten months. Along the way, both she and her mom made some great changes.

Her mom has shared how in May of 2019 she was at her wit's end. Dallas was struggling with anger, anxiety, depression and their relationship was in a constant state of tension. There had been a couple of short-term placements at mental health facilities but it was recommended they find a more long-term residential placement. That is when they discovered The Joy House.  

We began our celebration by Ms. Robin sharing about Dallas’ great accomplishments in school. Dallas caught a vision for what she could accomplish. In her ten months at The Joy House she completed all the requirements to earn her high school diploma. She completed approximately 1-1/2 years of school in her ten months at The Joy House and earned her high school diploma a full year earlier than she normally would have. Since completing the program she has enrolled at North Georgia Technical College.

Dallas shares she learned how to cope with her depression and anxiety and also how to stand up for herself in the right way while at The Joy House. Much of this work was done with Mr. Darren in his time spent with her and mom, Amanda. They both shared how their relationship had been reestablished and they were now able to talk and work through things.

Bill and Jane Sherry served as Dallas’ house parents. Mrs. Jane prepared one of her special personalized portraits for Dallas. They shared some great time doing puzzles so she wanted that to be a special part of the portrait representing the puzzle pieces of Dallas’ life were coming together. Additionally, she wanted to show free-flowing hair representing something lite and airy noting burdens that had been lifted and Dallas’ true identity in Christ(painting is pictured). Mrs. Jane also shared about the significant time when Dallas expressed a desire to know Chris and subsequently trusted Him as her Savior. That is the source of all true healing.

We marvel at Christ’s grace and power to put together all the broken pieces of our lives that we might find wholeness in Him. Dallas is on that journey now of finding life in Him.

Thank you to each of our partners that are a part of Dallas’ story.

By: Steve Lowe, Executive Director

One of the great blessings I’ve enjoyed over the years of leading The Joy House is to marvel how faithful the Lord is to answer a need/prayer with those He sends to partner with us. The Lord has recently reminded me of His faithful provision.  As the Sherry’s transitioned out of their role as girl’s house parents it also meant that I was losing my maintenance person as Bill had been doing that over the past couple of years. Around the time they were transitioning I got a call from our friend Dan English (see Dan's picture above). Dan and I have met each other several  times over the past few years through area churches and mutual acquaintances. He explained to me with his current job as a pilot he had several days at home throughout the month, and the Lord had placed The Joy House on his heart as a place to serve. I immediately asked him if he had some maintenance skills. It turns out he has some serious skills in maintenance. What a coincidence, right?? Not a chance. This was all orchestrated by the Lord. Dan had the gifts we needed and more.

He has spent several hours here the last couple of months taking care of lawn maintenance, making simple repairs we needed, and even tackling a significant task of replacing some fascia board on our counseling center and reattaching the gutter. This was about a 12 to 14 hour day of work. What a blessing it has been to have Dan step in with his gifts to meet our needs. It is one less thing I have to be concerned with as he has stepped into the role of helping keep our campus beautiful and maintained for the ministry.

Aside from Dan, we’ve got some wonderful tutors who volunteer their time weekly at The Joy House to serve in educating our students. We’ve had other volunteers bring meals to our homes, and others still who have shared a hobby or skill with our kids. We’re grateful for all of our partners, who volunteer their time and efforts to benefit all those who are served through The Joy House.

I’m convinced that the Lord will take any gift, skill, hobby, etc… that you have and can use it for His glory. Have you taken inventory of the gifts and talents you have to ask how the Lord can use them to benefit an individual, your church, or a para-church ministry like The Joy House? I’d encourage you to pray and consider how you can be used.  It is as much a blessing for you as it is the ones you’re serving.  

If you’re interested in a volunteer opportunity at The Joy House, please contact me via phone at 706-253-7569 or via email: steve@thejoyhouse.org.

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms. - 1 Peter 4:10

The Joy House is currently seeking a married couple to be full-time houseparents in our girl’s home. No prior experience is needed, as training will be provided. The couple must have a strong desire to share Christ’s love with the teens and their families. Applicants must be married at least 3 years with no more than 2 children of their own. While modeling a Christian family, we ask the houseparents to provide care, nurturing, and structure for up to seven teen girls. They are supported by a five-person treatment team all focused on helping one another serve the teen and family in need.  
To apply, candidates should email their resumes with a cover letter to Steve Lowe, Executive Director, and he will contact you. 
Click Here for More Information
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Our contact information is:
P.O. Box 247
Jasper, GA 30143
Phone: 706.253.7569
Fax: 706.253.7570

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