Community + Demo Night | Success at GGGS | Wanted: Social Media Coordinator | Repair Cafés | Maker Day 
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Community + Demo Night: Bike Maintenance

Join us for our Community + Demo Night at the OTL on June 25th from 7pm - 9pm to learn basic bike maintenance! 

We'll be talking about wheel alignment, chain maintenance, brake check and tightening, pumping tires, and changing a flat. 

This event will include large and small group demonstration and provide ample time to ask your questions.

P.S.: That bike trailer in the picture below can be borrowed at OTL.

Tickets are limited!
Huge Success at the Great Glebe Garage Sale!

On May 26th, we were at the GGGS selling our surplus tools. It was a grand success and all the money we made will allow us to sustain the tool library. Thank you to everyone who came out and supported us. 
Fixers For Our Repair Cafés

During our recent Repair Cafés we've been able to fix hundreds of items and keep them out of the landfill, thanks to our fixers. Some of them are heading out for summer holidays and so we're looking for people who can fix things to help at our next events. 

Do you love to tinker with appliances, textiles, bikes, computers, or wood working projects? You don't have to be a professional, just someone who enjoys a challenge and is willing to patiently go through the process with interested guests.

Is that you?! 
Upcoming Repair Cafés:
June 16th from 11am - 4pm at Canterbury Community Centre
August 18th from 11am - 4pm at Overbrook Community Centre
I can fix things

Do You Like Our Social Media Content?

Our current social media coordinator, Annika, is moving to Holland to study Creative Business in the fall. We will miss her a lot as her passion for the tool library and the sharing economy has fuelled her to build our amazing social media presence.

We are looking for a new social media coordinator with experience in content creation, covering live events, and volunteer management! It's a volunteer position, but it's a fun one. :)

Are you interested? Know someone who'd be interested? Send your cover letter and resumé to Annika.

I wanna be part of the fun team!

Heads Up: Last Maker Day in July 

Our grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation is coming to an end and July 8th will be our final Maker Day for the time being. This is your last chance to create your DIY project at the tool library. Use our workbenches and tools, and have the opportunity to ask for advice from a tool ninja.

A big THANK YOU to the Ontario Trillium Foundation for helping us run Maker Days for the past year. 


Book your workbench now!
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