The OTL is back open for business! | Get your OTL BBQ scraper | We're hiring | 
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Thank you to everyone who has been supporting us while we re-open our doors and figure out the best way to serve our wonderful members! We now have three successful curbside pick-up Saturdays under our tool belt and we're excited to announce new procedures for June! 💖 💛 💙 💜 
Come on in! The OTL is back open for business!

In order to serve as many members as possible, we will no longer take tool reservations and assign pickup times as of Saturday, June 6th. Preparing pickups in advance is very labour-intensive and limits the number of members we can serve per week.

Instead, we will be admitting members to the OTL in limited numbers, with additional precautions like floor markings, physical distancing, and face marks (for a full list, 
visit our website). We will continue to be open only on Saturdays, but hope to further increase our hours soon as we refine our processes and can involve more volunteers back to our operations.

We can't wait to see our members on Saturday, June 6th
between 10am-1pm!
See full list of safety procedures
Pick up your OTL BBQ scrapers!

Father's Day is just around the corner and we've got the perfect gift - the customized OTL BBQ scraper. Get one for $20 (HST incl.) while supplies last. We've got two options - one with the OTL logo and one with the logo and "Happy Father's Day".

Special! We can customize your BBQ scraper with a name for an extra
$5. Send us an email to make a special request.

Thanks to Jimi from WeKnowMakers for making these beauties!
We're hiring a Library Operations & Event Coordinator!

The Ottawa Tool Library is pleased to announce that we’re hiring a summer position thanks to the Canada Summer Jobs program. 

Initially, this will be a part time position as we’re currently only open once a week, however, as the restrictions get lifted during this pandemic, we hope to open more hours per week at which point this position would become full-time.

To apply, you must be between the ages of 15 and 30. 
If you are interested, check out
our website for more details! Help us spread the word. 

Applications are due June 8th.
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