Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Featured Story

Jury’s In: Opioids Are Not Better Than Other Medicines For Chronic Pain
Even though millions of people take the drugs for long periods of time, there is little evidence to support that use.

News & Analysis

PSQH Connect - Sponsored Content

Giving providers actionable information at the point of care
In late 2017, PSQH conducted a four question survey where 100 respondents from across the care continuum, provided valuable feedback on quality and risk metrics and how they are utilized in making better business decisions for providers. 

PSMJ Member Content

Not Tolerated: Sexual Harassment in Healthcare

Healthcare organizations (HCO) must get proactive about preventing, investigating, and resolving sexual harassment claims and violations.

Balanced IV Fluids Seem to be Safer than Saline in ICU
Giving balanced crystalloids led to a lower rate of composite outcome of death from any cause.

Industry Events

Monday, 03/12- Patient Safety Certificate Program
Saturday, 3/24- AORN Global Surgical Conference & Expo 2018
Monday, 3/26- 2017 Congress on Healthcare Leadership
Thursday, 04/12- ABQUARP'S 41st Annual Health Care Quality & Patient Safety Conference






Product Spotlight

How Vanderbilt University Medical Center Established a Hand Hygiene Program

Thomas R. Talbot, MD, MPH, explains how he led a successful effort to establish a hand hygiene compliance program at Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

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Request an invitation to our peer-to-peer Exchange events! Come share successes and solutions with only leaders from the best healthcare providers in the country.

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Career Center

Post your open positions or find your next career move with the HCPro Career Center.