You truly make a difference (and I see it).

Free Press

Friend — I have some exciting news: With just 4 days left until Dec. 31, our generous matching-gift donor has offered to TRIPLE every donation until we reach our $50,000 goal. Please donate now while your gift will go THREE TIMES as far.

I spend practically every day poring over Free Press’ finances, making sure we have the resources we’ll need to take definitive action — so I hope you believe me when I say that your gifts truly matter. Especially when they are being tripled!

We are seeing more political will in Washington, D.C., for real change than at any other time since Free Press was founded — and we can’t afford to leave a single dollar of this 3x match on the table. Donate now while your gift will go THREE TIMES as far toward helping us regulate Big Tech, bring back Title II Net Neutrality, end the digital divide and more.

Part of what makes your support so critical is that Free Press doesn’t take a single penny from business, government or political parties. That’s also why this time of year is so crucial for us. What we raise now directly impacts the work we can do in 2022 — when we hope to FINALLY have a fully functioning FCC again.

Trust me, every single gift really does matter. We are determined to reach our $50k match goal by Dec. 31 — please make your tax-deductible year-end gift now.

I’m grateful to have this opportunity to thank you for everything you do. Every time I review our finances, making sure we have the resources needed to continue our campaigns — I see the difference that you make.

Thank you so much,

Kimberly Longey
Free Press

P.S. The past year was by no means easy — but we achieved so much ... from raising awareness of the non-English disinformation crisis on social media to securing $65 billion in the infrastructure bill toward closing the digital divide. Just imagine what we can achieve together in 2022 with bipartisan interest in finally regulating Big Tech, a fully functional FCC ready to right the wrongs of the Trump era and more. Donate now to TRIPLE your impact.

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