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 Glenn Beck

Sponsored Message

Tuesday, September 26, 2017


Views of our sponsors do not necessarily reflect that of Glenn Beck or Mercury Radio Arts, Inc.


Birth to Graduation Picture Frame
is Back—Only $39!


Think of all the school pictures you take every year. Where do they usually end up? In a box, a drawer or in the photo packet tucked away where they’re seldom enjoyed. Now with Birth to Graduation you can display all your kids photos from birth all the way up to their graduation day. It’s guaranteed to put a smile on mom’s face.

Regularly $79 each, B2G frames are on Sale for $39 (a savings of $40). Plus, shipping is only $10…and that’s for as many frames as you want to order. Shipping will be no more than $10 bucks.

Buy the best—the original Birth To Graduation picture frame—a timeless display of a child’s life during their growing up years. It’s the funnest picture frame you’ll even own—On Sale Now for $39 each! Great gift idea too—for baby showers, birthdays and holidays.

See the Change. Watch them Grow. Preserve the Memories!™

Order Yours Now!
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6301 Riverside Dr, Building 1 | Irving, TX 75039
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