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June 2020
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In this edition
K4I Forum Virtual Events
Engage Actively in 12th European Innovation Summit
  • You become a partner of the 12th European Innovation Summit
  • You are a speaker on a panel or a networking event
  • You are the co-organiser of an event as part of the summit programme on a topic of your choiceYou

The 12 EIS is planned to take place in the European Parliament in Brussels from 7 - 11 December 2020
Benefit from K4I membership and participate in all our events and working group activities in the European Parliament or online
  • New K4I members joining from 1 June 2020                      
    will be offered the annual membership fee for 2020
    ◦ will enjoy K4I member event partnership conditions
Now is a perfect time to not only join our upcoming debates
but to become a K4I member and take advantage of all the benefits.

Fill in the form and join us! 
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1040 Brussels, Belgium

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