InformationWeek Security
Cyber Resilience & Water Utilities; CISOs Regulation Struggle; Investing in GenAI Training

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InformationWeek Security
May 02, 2024

Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Tracking Pixels and Another Big Health Care Breach
Kaiser Permanente’s use of tracking pixels led to the leak of 13.4 million people’s data to third parties.

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The Tug-of-War for Cyber Resilience to Guard Water Utilities

With bad actors targeting infrastructure such as water systems, the path to upgraded defenses is complicated.
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How CISOs Can Contend With Increasing Scrutiny from Regulators

Senior stakeholders who want to hold on to their CISOs must ensure that they have sufficient incentives and, more importantly, support to cope with the burden of risk that they are carrying.
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Prioritizing GenAI Employee Training is Your Best Security Investment

Investing in employee education and training can transform your workforce into the strongest link against security threats.
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  • Become a Cloud Security Expert in Under 48 Hours

    In this upcoming webinar, you'll discover how to harness the power of familiar tools to become a cloud security expert and effectively combat the most impactful attack vectors – human and machine identities and entitlements.

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Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
8 Priorities for Cloud Security in 2024
The pace of cloud migration has outpaced security. How can organizations prioritize cloud security this year? Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
8 Steps Toward Effective Disaster Recovery
Disasters are increasing in frequency and costing more than ever before. When was the last time you updated your plan? Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
5 Big Ideas from VulnCon 2024
Cyber security professionals and stakeholders met in North Carolina for the first annual VulnCon convention focused on vulnerability management. Read More
InformationWeek Security
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