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Kubernetes and Container Orchestration: 101



Everything in Kubernetes is a declarative configuration object that represents the desired state of the system


- Kubernetes by Kelsey Hightower

In case you're not a technologist, you might still have heard the word in use. Here's how you can fake your way by abstracting from this piece of information - Imagine you're tasked with the job of making sure that a particular piece of software does not stop running.

So, what do you do? When the system updates, your software might break. When you install a new software, it might interfere with the old software that you were tasked with running. So, you install this 'tool' called Kubernetes and delegate to it the task of making sure that the software does not fail.

What's container orchestration then, you ask? It is exactly what it sounds like. The arrangement of containers (a unit of software that 'contains' all its code and 'dependencies' within itself) and managing them in a dynamic environment is container orchestration.

If you're a technologist and have borne with us for so long, you deserve a treat. Here's a FREE ENTRY to a LIVE Webinar on 'Building Your Kubernetes AppSec Strategy hosted by Simon and Gareth on the 17th of October. The good guys at Snyk made this newsletter possible by sponsoring it so do register for their free webinar.

In short, Kubernetes has come a long way from simply being a tool for open source deployment automation tool to scale itself to become a complete ecosystem with several Pods, Replica Sets, and countless microservices-based implementations.

If you're interested in learning more about Kubernetes and its many distributions, integrations, potentials, and futurisms, read all about it on Hacker Noon - Your Greenest Tech Publication. Ever.

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Without further distractions, let's get to the best Kubernetes stories on Hacker Noon, curated for your pleasure.

A Simple Mistake That Costs Engineers Time and Money

This belief that you have to keep working on something once you've already put time into it? That's known as the sunk cost fallacy, and if you know anything about that, you know that it leads to losing even more money.

After that conversation, they spent the next two weeks with their team developing this "poor man's Helm," dumping something to the tune of $10-20,000 into it. And that's just development cost, not opportunity cost that could have been spent on other things.

All that, and it still wasn't working quite a well as Helm would have if they'd just taken it down off the shelf to use it.

Read full article or {TWEET THIS} by Patrick Lee Scott

5 Tips to Be More Productive With Kubernetes

When accessing services and pods running inside the cluster, you either need to expose them, so they are accessible from the public internet or you run a kube proxy or forward ports between your local machine and services running inside the cluster.

However, sometimes you want to run plain curl command without exposing any services or forwarding ports. To do so, I use a function that gets loaded as part of my bash profile that runs a pod with radial/busyboxplus:curl image inside the cluster and gives me access to the terminal. That way, I can run curl against services and IPs inside the cluster. I call the function kbash and use it like this:

Read full article or {TWEET THIS} by Peter

About Ten Open Source Technologies That Are Changing the World

When Docker came around, many developers didn’t see the value. Dependency isolation seemingly was not enough for most to make the switch from bare VMs running in the cloud.

After Google to open-sourced their internal project Borg, everybody started to see why containers and container orchestration are the way of the future for running systems in the cloud and on-premise.

So why should you invest your time in learning a bit of k8s?

  • Declarative infrastructure means you’ll be done with error-prone manual configuring of your system. Yes, YAML is not the best, but solutions like Pulumi make it a lot more reasonable;
  • Distributed systems are more resilient, and Kubernetes makes it a lot easier to build one;

Read full article or {TWEET THIS} by Dragos

Kubernetes vs. OpenShift: A Thorough Comparison

Containerization is the latest jargon today, in the world of IT, primarily to develop and deploy apps in an accelerated manner. In the era of serverless computing and container technology, containers have become highly popular for a long time now. With the increase in popularity, there is an increase in the complexity levels of large containerized applications.

Here comes the need of efficient container management platforms that can help in easily managing containerized applications. Today, Kubernetes and OpenShift are two big names in this arena and have become a major player in the container revolution. Popular, effective, scalable, robust and simplistic – both have their own user community to boast of.

Read full article or {TWEET THISby SPEC INDIA

The #1 Reason Jenkins Fails

Jenkins down? Pipelines broken? Hackers making off with your data? It often stems from one fatal flaw. While Jenkins has been both loved and hated for being DevOps duct tape, every user knows there are plenty of issues to deal with.

Over the past three years, as part of my work at Codefresh I’ve been helping teams migrate from Jenkins and I’ve seen all of these issues over and over again. The biggest issue may surprise you because it creates a cascade effect.
The simple answer:

Shared libraries.

Read full article or {TWEET THIS} by Dan Garfield

Getting started with MongoDB Enterprise Operator for Kubernetes

The MongoDB Enterprise Operator for Kubernetes is a MongoDB application-specific controller that extends the Kubernetes API to create, configure, and manage instances of MongoDB deployments on behalf of a Kubernetes user.

The operator lets you deploy and manage MongoDB by accessing the Kubernetes API and MongoDB Ops Manager API. It automates common tasks by triggering a series of actions to achieve the desired state. For example, when you create MongoDB Kubernetes resource MongoDbReplicaSet, then the operator

  • Automates the provisioning of StatefulSets for the MongoDB replica set
  • Creates a deployment in MongoDB Ops Manager project

Read full article or {TWEET THIS} by Shyam Arjarapu

Why (and when) you should use Kubernetes

Containers allow applications to be broken down into smaller parts which can then be managed through an orchestration tool like Kubernetes. This makes it easy to manage codebases and test specific inputs and outputs.

As mentioned earlier, Kubernetes has built-in features like self-healing and automated rollouts/rollbacks, effectively managing the containers for you.

To go even further, Kubernetes allows for declarative expressions of the desired state as opposed to an execution of a deployment script, meaning that a scheduler can monitor a cluster and perform actions whenever the actual state does not match the desired. You can think of schedulers as operators who are continually monitoring the system and fixing discrepancies between the desired and actual state.

Read full article or {TWEET THIS} by Fahim ul Haq

Of Microservices & Containers

Netflix is one of the biggest and the most interesting success stories of transitioning from monolith to microservices architecture based application. The media services provider will never forget the day a single missing semicolon led to major database corruption and brought down the entire platform for several hours in 2008. Netflix realized they had to change their approach towards an architecture which led them to consider shifting to a microservices architecture from monolith one.

Although Netflix started its shift towards microservices architecture in the year 2009 and was successfully running on a cloud-based microservices architecture by 2011, the term microservices was not coined before 2012. It started gaining popularity only by 2014 when Martin Fowler and other leaders in the industry started talking about this.

Read full article or {TWEET THIS} by Spruha Pandya

Tail logs from multiple Kubernetes pods the simple way

Of course, there are other options to tail logs from multiple containers. Some of them are below:

  • Kubetail — A tiny bash script which is similar to Stern. I did not use it because I didn’t find an easy way to send the kubeconfig file on every run.
  • Kail — Seems to do a similar job like Stern and Kubetail. Have not used it to comment about it. You could give it a try.
  • K8stail — Have not used it but looks like it lacks the control of Kubetail and Stern. If you use it don’t forget to comment about it below :)

Read full article or {TWEET THIS} by Geshan Manandhar

The Cloud-Native & DevOps Approach in Regulated Industries

Containerization enables accelerated deployment and updating of applications. Also provides standardized development environments removing deviations between development and deployment. Reducing the risk of security and feature issues brought about by friends in each respective environment.

This is particularly true when microservices principles are employed, and the dynamic orchestration is achieved through Kubernetes. Kubernetes handles deployments, maximizes resource utilization, provides “desired state management” capabilities, and enables application auto-scaling.

Let’s not go so deep into the evolution and the introductory part of Cloud-Native principles but you can always refer my other article that I recently wrote on ‘Cloud-Native DevOps

When it comes to cloud-native, we have to talk about Kubernetes. Kubernetes has become the most widely used orchestration platform, and its acceptance has forced it to mature quite fast and has left the technology community to innovate rapidly. 

Read full article or {TWEET THIS} by Pavan Belagatti

Have a great weekend,
Utsav from Hacker Noon 👨‍💻
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