Post a video and call your rep.
free press action fund
Dust off your vocal chords and post a video for the #callyourrep4thenet karaoke challenge.


Congress doesn’t seem to listen when we talk. So now it’s time to SING.

IT’S ON: Dust off your vocal chords and post a video for the #callyourrep4thenet karaoke challenge. Show us how much you really love the internet.

Not a great singer? PERFECT. That’s the beauty of karaoke. What’s important is that all our voices together could spark massive awareness of how close we are to bringing back Net Neutrality.

A few months ago, the Senate passed the Net Neutrality CRA to restore the open-internet rules. Now we need the House to do the same.1

And we’re only 41 representatives away.

This challenge is a fun way to get folks singing, talking and — most importantly — calling their reps to get them on board.

We’re so close but we need your help: Do the #callyourrep4thenet karaoke challenge now to show the world why Net Neutrality is a really big deal.

Tag your friends and family. Challenge them to post a vid! And make sure they flood the House with calls for Net Neutrality.

Free Press will repost all hashtagged videos and add them to our wall at We may even @ mention your House rep to make sure they get the message.

What’s your favorite song? Who’s your favorite band? Do you have backup dancers? Get as creative as you can. We can’t wait to see what you come up with.

Thanks for all that you do—

Collette, Diego, Candace and the rest of the Free Press Action team

P.S. Remix your favorite song into a #callyourrep4thenet anthem and post yourself singing it! Watch our sample video now; then do it for the net.

P.P.S. House reps are home for the August congressional recess right now and reading the local news. Use our handy tool to write a letter to the editor urging your rep to sign on to the Net Neutrality CRA. Your letter could make a huge difference.

1. “Where Are We With the Net Neutrality CRA?,” Free Press Action, June 11, 2018:

Free Press Action Fund is a nonpartisan organization fighting for your rights to connect and communicate. Free Press Action Fund does not support or oppose any candidate for public office. Learn more at

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