| The Presidential Daily Brief |
September 25, 2018
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein leaves the White House after a meeting Monday. Source: Getty
Brett Kavanaugh Mounts Public Defense

“I know I’m telling the truth.” So said President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee in an interview with Fox News yesterday, in which he refuted accusations of sexual misconduct and insisted he won’t withdraw his candidacy. Joined by his wife, Kavanaugh vowed to “defend my integrity, my lifelong record.” Meanwhile, Trump described the federal judge as a “fantastic, fantastic man” and dismissed the allegations by Christine Blasey Ford and Deborah Ramirez as “totally political.” Both Kavanaugh and Ford are set to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee Thursday.

Sources: NYT, Fox News
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UK Opposition Party Challenges Theresa May's Brexit Plan

Britain’s Labour Party leaders vowed Tuesday to vote down the prime minister’s current plan for how to withdraw from the European Union, saying it fails the six tests they set for any Brexit agreement. May is under increasing criticism both at home and in Brussels over her plan, which was slammed by politicians on the left for failing to ensure workers’ rights. At their conference today, Labour MPs could push for a second public referendum should May’s plan fail in Parliament, arguing that they won’t “jump blindfolded into the unknown.”

Sources: Reuters, BBC
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Rosenstein's Job Uncertain Ahead of Trump Meeting

Is he fired? Speculation surrounded the professional fate of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein yesterday, as many White House officials expected him to resign following reports that he sought to secretly record President Trump and discussed removing him from office. Then came news that Trump — who’s publicly attacked Rosenstein for his role overseeing special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe — would keep him in place at least until a Thursday meeting. Now observers are wondering whether the allegations against him, which he’s disputed, could still cost Rosenstein his job.

Sources: Washington Post, AP
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Instagram Co-Founders Step Down From Facebook

Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger, who had reportedly clashed with their parent company over Instagram’s autonomy, will take time off to explore their “curiosity and creativity again,” according to a joint statement. Among the purported points of contention were the social network’s growth tactics and the duo’s dissatisfaction working in a large company. Systrom and Krieger sold their photo-sharing app, which has become an integral part of Facebook’s growth, for $1 billion in 2012. The move comes just months after WhatsApp’s co-founders quit amid reportedly similar tensions.

Sources: WSJ (sub), FT (sub)
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Know This: Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven will stand down after a no-confidence vote in Parliament Tuesday. Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny was arrested moments after leaving prison yesterday and sentenced to another 20 days on a protest violation. And New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern made history Monday by bringing her 3-month-old daughter to the U.N. General Assembly.

Read This: Amid growing support in Europe for far-right movements, a museum near the former site of Adolf Hitler’s Bavarian retreat is struggling to figure out how to keep xenophobic visitors from turning the area into a shrine.

We’re hiring: OZY is looking for a talented business editor to anchor our globally minded finance coverage, based in either Silicon Valley or New York. Could this be you? Check out the job description for more details … and find all our open jobs right here.

Indonesian Teen Survives 7 Weeks Adrift on Raft

Nineteen-year-old Aldi Novel Adilang was working as a lamp lighter on a wooden fishing raft when it slipped its mooring and drifted out to sea. Equipped with only a week’s worth of supplies, the teen reportedly caught fish, drank seawater squeezed from his clothing and burned parts of his raft to cook food. Adilang, who was finally rescued after 49 days at sea, saw 10 ships sail by before a Panamanian vessel picked him up in waters near Guam, nearly 1,200 miles from where he began.

Sources: Time, The Jakarta Post, AP
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Self-Evaluation Program Helps Pull Families From Poverty

They’re helping themselves. From Argentina to Tanzania, families in 30 countries are using the Poverty Stoplight program to understand the multidimensional problems of their plight. The initiative allows families to rank their economic condition — red, amber or green — by using 50 diverse indicators, such as access to drinking water and level of savings, to give them a better sense of what they need most. With U.N. recognition, as well as international accreditation potentially on the way, the self-help tool appears poised to make an impact.

Sources: OZY
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Humans Partly Responsible for Wobbling Earth

A new NASA study cites three reasons for Earth’s increasing wobble — and humans are one of them. The movement, which researchers note is no cause for alarm, was previously explained by retreating glaciers allowing land underneath to expand. Now scientists have found that global warming is also to blame, causing some 7,500 gigatons of Greenland’s ice to melt into the ocean during the 20th century. That’s in addition to the regular process of the planet’s molten mantle expanding and contracting. Since 1899, Earth’s spin axis has shifted more than 30 feet.

Sources: Live Science, Forbes
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YouTube Tween Channel Creator Arrested for Molestation

The video-hosting service is facing questions after BuzzFeed reported Monday that Ian Rylett, the 55-year-old British founder of its popular SevenAwesomeKids brand, was arrested in Florida last month for “lewd and lascivious molestation” involving a girl who makes videos for his teen-oriented network. Rylett’s channels, which have around 17 million total subscribers and feature more than 20 girls between 8 and 18 years old, remain on YouTube but have been demonetized. Meanwhile, the incident is raising questions about the safety and oversight of underage content creators.

Sources: The Verge, BuzzFeed
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Luka Modric Receives FIFA's 'Best' Award

The 33-year-old Croatian midfielder ended the decade-long dominance by Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi over the league’s top player award yesterday. Modric helped Real Madrid win its third consecutive UEFA Champions League, then captained Croatia to its first World Cup final. He beat out Ronaldo, who scored 44 goals this season, and Mohamed Salah, who won the Puskas Award for best goal. Meanwhile, critics took aim at the award itself — rebranded as “The Best” in 2016 — and the glitzy ceremony as a marketing ploy by the soccer association.

Sources: SI, ESPN
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