To quote Tina Turner "Simply The Best" in this field of apps.
— Wayan Jaya in the forums
RSD V2 is sensational!
Yet there is more to come...
Upcoming 'in-view animations' are perfect for keeping the viewer's attention when scrolling down the page. You can get creative with text and elements, so they react once the page loads or are scrolled into view.
To give you a taste of what's coming we just peppered in some animations throughout the RSD V2 page. See if you can find them all...
With a 100% code-free interface, Responsive Site Designer is truly the web app of the future. Creating compelling digital experiences has become faster and easier. Still, designing is as versatile and flexible as if you would be hand coding.
Just a reminder that during beta you can still become the proud owner of this unique app and save $40. Better not miss out!
Prepare to be wow-ed!
— The CoffeeCup Team
Sometimes we do interesting stuff on social networks. Mostly we’re just funny. Follow us anyway!
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