
Transferring huge media files is too important a task for basic file-sharing tools that put your companys assets at risk. But it doesnt need to be complicated, either. Accelerated file transfer technology should be simple, so people will use it; secure, so IT will embrace it; and reliable, so your critical media operations will stay on track. Signiant is making all of this possible with Media Shuttle.

Download our comprehensive product white paper and learn:

  • What makes Signiants cloud-native SaaS a more secure platform for transfers
  • How simple deployment and ease of use speed up workflows and protect media assets
  • Why Media Shuttles system architecture, technical considerations and multi-layered security pass the IT sniff test
  • How the choice of on-premises storage, cloud object storage, or both can keep your TCO lower

If you have users moving large files in your organization, read our valuable guide to learn how Media Shuttle and Signiants patented technology can help you get ahead of the curve.

Copyright 2016 Signiant. All rights reserved. 91 Hartwell Ave, Lexington, MA 02421

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