The Platinum Rule for Data; Practical Guide to DevOps; Metaverse, UI, and UX

InformationWeek Data Analytics
April 18, 2022
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Keeping an IT Team Focused in Challenging Times
War, pandemics, and other natural and man-made calamities are sweeping the world. Here's how one Ukrainian IT company faced the unthinkable and has managed to keep its team safe, focused, and productive.

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Embracing the Platinum Rule for Data

CIOs can transform their digital ecosystems by establishing a single source for data, storing data in an accessible way, and establishing a flexible process to output data.
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A Practical Guide to DevOps

Here’s a collection of information to help IT leaders and professionals learn more about how to embrace DevOps in their enterprise organizations.
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Into the Metaverse: A Game-Changing Year for UI and UX

The pandemic has changed the way we work and how we interact with digital tools, challenging old assumptions, and even upending traditional business models.
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Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Generations in the Workplace: Stereotypes and Facts
Do IT leaders need to treat workers from different generations differently if they want to keep them happy? Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
IT Careers: 10 Things IT Leaders Would Tell Their Kids Today
Given that IT is evolving faster than ever, if seasoned IT professionals wanted to guide their offspring in how to prepare for a career in IT now, what would they say? Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
10 Ways IT Can Get Ready for the Metaverse
Sure, IT can master the metaverse. The question is where to start? Well, right here of course … Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Introducing InformationWeek’s ‘DOS Won’t Hunt’ Podcast
Learn about our forthcoming podcast and how your organization can be part of the ongoing discussions where we will address IT and strategy issues. Read More
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