Best practices for managing confrontation in the workplace
Best practices for managing confrontation in the workplace
Keeping Cool in Conflict:
Best Practices for Managing Workplace Confrontation 

Conflict at work might be uncomfortable, but it’s an inevitable part of a healthy workplace.

Of course, just because it’s inevitable doesn’t mean it’s fun to deal with conflict...especially if you’re the one under fire.

And the other side of the coin, being an objective mediator isn’t easy either - especially when you’re trying to settle arguments on your own team.

But when conflict is handled correctly, it doesn’t have to stunt morale and productivity.

This workshop will teach you everything you need to know about keeping workplace conflict constructive and healthy.

From best practices for accepting criticism to helping team members resolve conflict, we’ll help you become a stronger mediator and handle conflict with confidence.

By the end of this practical, insight-filled online workshop …


You'll be able to

Understand your teammates’ styles of handling conflict and learn best practices to communicate 
Nip destructive behavior in the bud 
Reframe conflict situations to facilitate productive conversation 
Use a Cognitive Behavioral Approach can help you understand the interplay between thoughts, feelings, and responses 

You’ll have answers to tough questions like

What are unconstructive conflict behaviors I engage in that I may not know about? 
How can I facilitate positive outcomes when two members of my team are fighting? 
What should I do when a team member or colleague is visibly upset? 
Keep cool during conflict »

Online Workshop + Your Questions Answered + At Your
Convenience Recording 


Hope to see you there,

The Progressive Women's Leadership Team