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Keeping due process in mind ahead of hearing
President Trump's Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh spoke Monday with Fox News about the allegations of assault against him dating back to high school and college, saying the allegations are smears 'pure and simple.' The Morning Joe panel discusses.
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Goldstone: I thought only Don Jr. would read email
Rob Goldstone, the music publicist who helped arrange the 2016 Trump Tower meeting between campaign officials and a Russian lawyer, joins Morning Joe to discuss the meeting and his new book.
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Gillum up in Florida: What the polls say to Kornacki
The Arizona Senate race between Reps. Kyrsten Sinema and Martha McSally is in a virtual tie with Sinema at 48 percent and McSally at 45 percent. In Florida, Andrew Gillum is leading Ron DeSantis 47 to 43 percent. Steve Kornacki breaks down the numbers.
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Ken Burns explores history of 'The Mayo Clinic'
Documentary filmmaker Ken Burns returns with 'The Mayo Clinic: Faith - Hope - Science,' which looks at the life of William Worrall Mayo and the evolution of the Mayo Clinic. Burns and Tom Brokaw join the discussion.
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Number opposing Kavanaugh confirmation rises
Trump maintains support for Kavanaugh at rally
Iraq War vet from Texas sets her sights on Congress
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