Trading ≠ Gambling
(A cautionary tale about risky plays like GameStop)

Michael McCaskill is a self described "beach bum" from Louisville, KY.

He coaches beach volleyball in a town with no beaches so the pay isn't exactly great.

That's why he started trading options as a way to get ahead.

The only problem was he didn't know what he was doing.

One time his puts expired and he lost $60,000.

He also got wiped out when the Bank of America almost collapsed during the financial crisis.

11 years later he tried his luck again on GameStop.

The result?

"I lost my ass on calls, over and over."
- Michael McCaskill

He kept losing money hand over fist until an unlikely break came in the form of a tweet Elon Musk...


This pushed the price into the stratosphere and turned Mr. McCaskill into an overnight millionaire.

There's only one way to describe Michael.

God damned lucky.

I've been trading options for 21 years now.

And I would never recommend anyone follow his approach.

Trading ≠ gambling.

You can't rely on luck.

It's simply too dangerous.

Options will clean you out if you don't know what you're doing.

But when you follow a system specifically designed to minimize risk...

You can trade options in a safe and controlled manner...

And potentially pick up quick injections of cash without risking everything.

Just like my readers are already doing...

"Net returns are $2,880."
- Don

"Your call on Square (SQ) was right on... I profited about $2,000."
- Hunter

"I have earned over $1,500 in trading profits."
- Shellie

My win rate is over 90% with options.

It's why one of my readers is driving around in a Tesla now.

But forget about that for a second.

You only need to focus on one thing:

Do you want some extra money in your pockets today?

When you win with options it's like finding cash under the couch.

It's spare money you didn't have yesterday.

Which means you can spend it today without counting every penny.

If this sounds even slightly interesting to you, then you'll be shocked to find out how easy it is.

Click here to start putting extra money in your pockets now.

Jay SoloffJay Soloff

Options Portfolio Manager

Options Floor Trader PRO

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