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Preparing For The Next Phase
Of Cyber Warfare

Quantum computing, artificial intelligence and digital identity products pose a critical risk to the hyper-connected global economy. Unless action is taken now, by 2025 next generation technology has the potential to overwhelm the defenses of the global security community, says a just released 14-month study conducted by the World Economic Forum and the University of Oxford. The study, based on the expertise of more than 100 leaders in the cybersecurity community spanning businesses, governments, academia and civil society, concludes that the current approach to cybersecurity needs to be overhauled and recommends specific actions that need to be taken by business and governments.  If these recommendations are not adopted the report warns that  “we will be left with a digital ecosystem that is not resilient to the emerging systemic threat and risk landscape and the potential benefits of the global digital ecosystem may not be realized.”  Read on to learn more about this story and this week’s most important technology news impacting business.

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The World Economic Forum’s inaugural Pioneers of Change Summit took place online November 16-20. The summit. which brought together more than 750 leaders from government, business and civil society from more than 90 countries, focused on seven thematic areas:  frontier technologies, digital business models, sustainable production, urban infrastructure, health, new work models, and financial innovation. Read on to get the key takeaways from the event.
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 -   I N T E R V I E W  O F  T H E  W E E K  -

                     Csilla Kohalmi-Monfils,
            Director Of Innovation Ecosystems,
                            ENGIE Fab


Who: Csilla Kohalmi-Monfils, the director of innovation ecosystems at ENGIE Fab, has 25 years of strategic, operational and management experience spanning a number of industries and geographies. 

Topic: Managing open innovation at a multinational company.

Quote: "Managers have an incentive to get their teams to work on these projects: some management bonuses are dependent on their unit winning an innovation trophy."

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 -  S T A R T U P  O F  T H E  W E E K  -

Banuba, a 2020 World Economic Forum Pioneer, is using augmented reality to transform the advertising, retail, communication and banking sectors. Customers include Gucci, Yandex and Sberbank. The company participated in a November 17 panel on digital business models moderated by The Innovator’s Editor-in-Chief during the Forum’s Pioneers of Change Summit.
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 -  N U M B E R  O F  T H E  W E E K  -

Number of cities across 22 countries and six continents that agreed November 17 to pioneer a new roadmap for safely adopting new technology as part of the G20 Global Smart Cities Alliance. There is no global framework for how cities should use new technologies, or the data they collect, in a way that protects the public interest. To kickstart adoption of the roadmap the alliance has recruited a group of “pioneer cities” that will collaborate with global experts to fine tune their city policies in areas ranging from privacy protection and cyber security to better services for disabled people and better broadband coverage.
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Making Sense Of The AI Landscape
Harvard Business Review
5G Early Adopters Explore New Generation Of Wireless  Applications

Wall Street Journal

How The Pandemic Prepared Alibaba For Singles Day
MIT Technology Review
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