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Monday January 27 2020
Khidmah appoints new executive leadership team
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Eaton's top energy predictions for the year ahead
Inspire Integrated moves to new office space in Dubai
Xylem supports UAE local authorities for pumping out rainwater, following heavy flooding
Why FM should be involved at early stages of construction?
Dubai’s new fire code to be announced next week
Tadweer carries out clean-up drive after storms in Abu Dhabi
Tadweer deployed a teams of 4,000 cleaners who worked around the clock throughout the low pressure period to clear the waterlogging and clean the areas affected by the flood
Hormann launches solid rubber high-speed doors for demanding industrial applications and harsh weather
These robust, durable doors ensure reliable door operation
Saudi’s new business landscape attracts international trade in HVACR sector
50% of HVAC R systems required in the GCC over the next decade are expected to be installed in Saudi Arabia
Comment: Predictive analytics help identify top priorities for spending
Driven by AI technology, modern software provides an advance warning of imminent failures, says Jonathan Wood, general manager, Middle East and Africa, Infor
New Honeywell glove line helps workers easily identify proper cut protection
Colour-coded marking system matches glove with EN/ANSI standard so workers can use the right protection for the job
Rajiv Ravindran Pillai
Facilities Management Middle East
Mobile: +971 55 635 3588
Direct: +971 4 444 3262
E: rajiv.pillai@itp.com
Vinay Ravindran
Group Sales Manager,
Facilities Management Middle East
Telephone: +971 55 810 1197
Direct: +971 4 444 3155
Email: vinay.ravindran@itp.com
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