TODAY'S TOP STORIES - November 28, 2017

Paul Krugman: The GOP Is Attempting the Biggest Tax Scam in History

By Jacob Sugarman, AlterNet

Make no mistake, the Republican bill will hurt the vast majority of Americans—bigly. READ MORE»

Is Net Neutrality All That Separates the U.S. from Authoritarianism?

By Joan McCarter, DailyKos

The FCC is debating rolling back an Obama-era regulation, and the stakes could not be higher. READ MORE»

The Sinister Screw-Ups of James O'Keefe

By Pam Vogel, Media Matters

O’Keefe’s latest undercover video failure illustrates a media-fueled M.O. that’s equal parts hilarious and horrifying.  READ MORE»

Roy Moore Staffer Caught on Video Shoving Two Cameramen

By Charlie May, Salon

The incident took place outside a campaign event for the embattled Senate candidate. READ MORE»

Alex Jones Is Floating a Maniacal New Conspiracy Theory About the Las Vegas Massacre

By Riddhima Kanetkar, International Business Times

And this is who Trump considers a trusted news source. READ MORE»

Jared Kushner Could Be Hauled Before the Senate Judiciary Committee Sooner Than Later

By David Edwards, Raw Story

The Russian collusion investigation continues to heat up.  READ MORE»

Rick Wilson Calls Sarah Huckabee Sanders a 'Congenital Liar' in Heated CNN Panel

By Elizabeth Preza, Raw Story

The GOP strategist wouldn't hear otherwise Monday night.  READ MORE»

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