Impeachment? No biggie

Donald Trump was impeached today.

The news usually doesn’t get much bigger than that. It’s only happened to three presidents in U.S. history.

But that isn’t the big story.

The big story is far graver than the procedural comeuppance of a morally bankrupt individual, though impeachment does come with an eternal smudge on the old CV.

The big story is that Donald Trump is now the moral compass of the Republican Party. They have chosen empowered corruption over the Constitution, party over country.

And make no mistake about it, corrupt Donald Trump most assuredly is. Impeachment is just the latest entry on his political rap sheet.

The big story is that Donald Trump is now the moral compass of the Republican Party. They have chosen empowered corruption over the Constitution, party over country.

Read the full story by Michael Harris here.

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At the TMX Pipeline Hearing, the Sham of ‘Consultation’ Laid Bare

Canada ‘barged ahead’ with what ‘cannot be in the public interest,’ argue First Nations.

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God Rest Ye Middle Class Gentlefolk

To the tune of ‘God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen.’ Part of a series of new carols for 2019.