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By the end of December, The Tyee is trying to add 500 new monthly supporters so that our publication can stay sustainable forever. We’re more than two-thirds there! Will you join us?

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Trump’s Impeachment and the Imperial Presidency

The brutal spectacle of watching Republicans kill their nation’s founding principles.

At the TMX Pipeline Hearing, the Sham of ‘Consultation’ Laid Bare

Canada ‘barged ahead’ with what ‘cannot be in the public interest,’ argue First Nations.

Why the LifeLabs Hack Likely Is Worse than Most

The ransomware attackers may still hold health records of 15 million Canadians.

These Authors Gave Us Hope

Thirteen inspiring books to light the way through 2020, shared by Tyeesters.

O Come All Ye Faithful

To the tune of the same. Part of a series of new carols for 2019.