TODAY'S TOP STORIES - April 19, 2017

How the Right-Wing Koch and DeVos Families Are Funding Hate Speech on College Campuses Across the U.S.

By Alex Kotch, AlterNet

Racist, sexist, Islamophobic protesters spark violence and publicity for Koch and Mercer-backed juggernauts. READ MORE»

Was It Racism or Desire for Authoritarian Leadership That Elected Trump? The Right Answer Is Both

By Heather Digby Parton, Salon

New data suggests Trump voters have highly negative views of African Americans. But that's not the whole story. READ MORE»

Bill O'Reilly's Fate May Be Sealed After Nauseating New Sexual Harassment Claim

By Jacob Sugarman, AlterNet

At least two members of the Murdoch family appear ready to ax the network star. READ MORE»

Robert Reich: 4 Reasons Trump's Plan to Shrink the IRS Would Do Big Damage to Society

By Robert Reich,

There’s reason to think Trump doesn’t even want to pay his own taxes. READ MORE»

Why Aren't Bernie Sanders-Style Democrats Getting More Support from the Party Leaders in Washington?

By Jamie Peck, The Guardian

In Kansas, the Democrats barely lifted a finger to help James Thompson, a progressive who came painfully close to winning. That’s a losing strategy. READ MORE»

13 Questions That Scare Charter School Advocates

By Alan Singer, The Huffington Post

Communities need to know what they're being sold. READ MORE»

Why Small-Scale Farming Is Our Best Hope for Restoring Rural America

By Sarah van Gelder, AlterNet

There is nothing inevitable about the demise of rural America. READ MORE»

How to Lose the Next War in the Middle East

By Danny Sjursen, TomDispatch

The best result is "don't invade." READ MORE»

WATCH: Alex Jones Swears He's Not a 'Performance Artist' in Off-the-Rails Rant on His Way to Divorce Court

By Sarah K. Burris, Raw Story

Apparently Pizzagate was just another prank. READ MORE»

What Do You Think Would Make You Happier, Prozac or Medical Marijuana?

By Fred Gardner, Project CBD

“In a country that pushes Prozac on shy teenagers, all marijuana use is medical.” READ MORE»

Copwatch Gets Its Due: Doc About Nationwide Police Watchdog Featured at Major Film Festival

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

A new documentary portrays the people who catch police misconduct on video. READ MORE»

How Sustainable Is the Tuna Fish You Buy? Ranking 20 of the Top Brands

By David Pinsky, Greenpeace

Does your canned tuna come with a side of ocean destruction? READ MORE»

Mother of All Hypocrisies: Trump Cares for Some Syrian Babies, Not Others

By Robert Fisk, The Independent

When Shia babies of equal humanity were blasted to pieces this weekend, Trump could not care less.  READ MORE»

How Cable News Keeps Getting It Wrong About Abortion and Reproductive Rights

By Sharon Kann, Media Matters

Evening cable news can’t seem to talk about abortion without relying on men and anti-choice myths. READ MORE»

How to Achieve Real Criminal Justice Reform, Despite President Trump

By John F. Pfaff, Basic Books

To start, lawmakers must grapple with the root causes of mass incarceration.  READ MORE»

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