TODAY'S TOP STORIES - June 9, 2017

Paul Krugman: If You Think the United States Is a Disaster Now, Just Wait

By Jacob Sugarman, AlterNet

The New York Times columnist warns we haven't seen the worst of Donald Trump. READ MORE»

What Can Democrats Learn from the Left's Stunning Triumph in the British Elections?

By David Sirota, International Business Times

A former mentor of Barack Obama and Saul Alinsky offers a few ideas. READ MORE»

'Morning Joe's' Mika Brzezinski Isn't Having Any of Paul Ryan's Pathetic Excuses for Trump

By Travis Gettys, Raw Story

"Don't say he's new at this—you're acting like he can learn." READ MORE»

Jeff Sessions Could Be the First Casualty of James Comey's Explosive Senate Testimony

By Heather Digby Parton, Salon

What did the attorney general know and when did he know it? READ MORE»

Donald Trump's Presidency Is One Giant Middle Finger to the Rest of the World

By Neal Gabler,

One man's petty grievances and resentments could end up destroying human civilization. READ MORE»

Secret Recording Reveals GOP Lawmaker Freaking out About 'Going Down With the Ship' for Trump

By Brad Reed, Raw Story

As the president continues to unravel, Republicans are beginning to panic. READ MORE»

Earn Minimum Wage? You Can Afford to Live in Exactly 12 Counties in the U.S.

By Alastair Gee, The Guardian

A new study reveals just how untenable conditions have become for the working poor. READ MORE»

AlterNet Comics: Tom Tomorrow on How The Fake News Sausage is Made

By Tom Tomorrow, AlterNet

Our president would have you believe that the real scandal is the leaks.  READ MORE»

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