TODAY'S TOP STORIES - August 4, 2017

Paul Krugman: The GOP Has Been Caught in One of Its Most Noxious Lies

By Jennie Neufeld, AlterNet

Seven years after the bill's passage, Americans recognize the good Obamacare has done. READ MORE»

The Real Reason Evangelicals Are So Worshipful of Donald Trump

By Chauncey DeVega, Salon

It makes no difference he's a brute. The president shares the Christian right's basic values. READ MORE»

5 Repugnant Lies Right-Wing Media Won't Stop Feeding the American Public

By Cristina López G., Media Matters

That these stories have been repeatedly debunked makes no difference to the likes of Alex Jones. READ MORE»

5 Key Psychological Traits All Trump Supporters Appear to Share

By Bobby Azarian, Raw Story

Research out of UC Santa Cruz sheds new light on the president's dizzying rise to power. READ MORE»

Republicans Are Frantically Trying to Convince the Public Their Party Is Not in Disarray

By Joan McCarter, DailyKos

The GOP wants to believe a burgeoning war with its own president is perfectly healthy. READ MORE»

Just How Much Trouble Does a Grand Jury Pose for Trump?

By Ewen MacAskill, The Guardian

The president might face criminal charges, but it could take months or even years. READ MORE»

Trump Can No Longer Make Recess Appointments Thanks to Alaska Republican He Attacked

By Noor Al-Sibai, Raw Story

Lisa Murkowski has ensured the Senate will be in session throughout the month of August. READ MORE»

Jeff Sessions Wants to Fight Opioid Addiction By Criminalizing One of Its Most Effective Treatments

By Jennie Neufeld, AlterNet

The attorney general's war on medical marijuana could exacerbate a growing epidemic. READ MORE»

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