TODAY'S TOP STORIES - December 15, 2017

Paul Krugman: The GOP Must Detest the Working Class

By Jacob Sugarman, AlterNet

The language of Republicans' regressive new tax bill points to one logical conclusion. READ MORE»

Trump's Popularity Is Plummeting Among Fox News Viewers

By Jessica Kwong, Newsweek

A new poll finds his net favorability has dropped from 90 to 58 percent since June. READ MORE»

Republicans Just Made It a Lot Harder for Restaurant Workers to Fight Big Chains

By Liz Posner, AlterNet

The ruling also makes it more difficult for employees to unionize.  READ MORE»

Trump Praises Putin and Rants Incoherently About the FBI from White House Lawn

By Brad Reed, Raw Story

The president was all over the place during an impromptu press conference Friday. READ MORE»

What's It Gonna Be, White America? Will You Side with Roy Moore or Those Who Oppose Him?

By Chauncey DeVega, Salon

The Alabama election has forced the country to make a moral choice. READ MORE»

Dustin Hoffman Faces Disturbing New Allegations of Sexual Misconduct

By Stephanie Convery, The Guardian

The Academy Award winner has been accused of exposing himself to a minor and assaulting two others. READ MORE»

Small Farmers Voted for Trump in 2016—Now They're Taking Him to Court

By Walter Einenkel, DailyKos

A new lawsuit aims to preserve an Obama-era protection from predatory tariffs.  READ MORE»

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