TODAY'S TOP STORIES - September 29, 2017

Paul Krugman: Trump's Personality Disorder Is So Much More Dangerous Than We Realize

By Jacob Sugarman, AlterNet

The president's narcissism could end up getting hundreds if not thousands killed. READ MORE»

Trump Wants to Limit Refugees to Lowest Level in 30 Years

By Ilana Novick, AlterNet

Some timing: "We're at the world's most significant refugee crisis" since World War II, says a refugee activist. READ MORE»

The Trump Administration Is Charging Puerto Rican Refugees Full Price to Evacuate—and Holding Their Passports as Collateral

By Greg Price, Newsweek

The president maintains he's received "rave reviews" for his handling of the crisis. READ MORE»

Trump's Recent Rampage Against Undocumented Immigrants in Sanctuary Cities Is Based on Dangerous, Faulty Logic

By Dan Engelke, AlterNet

He's butting heads with local police chiefs, who don't want to go down this road. READ MORE»

What Hugh Hefner Had in Common With Right-Wing Christian Doctrine

By Richard Eskow, AlterNet

Hefner and conservatives shared a hatred for feminism.  READ MORE»

50 Cent Claims Trump Team Offered Him $500,000 to Bring in Black Voters

By Rachel Leah, Salon

The rapper and mogul claimed the Trump campaign was willing to pay him to sway the black vote. READ MORE»

San Juan Mayor Slams White House's Feeble Response to Puerto Rico's Plight

By Tom Boggioni, Raw Story

"Dammit, people are dying here!" READ MORE»

Megyn Kelly Desperately Wants You to Forget How She Built Her Whole Career

By Matt Gertz, Media Matters

Her new morning show is an insult to the country's intelligence. READ MORE»

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