TODAY'S TOP STORIES - November 25, 2016

Krugman Gets to the Bottom of Why the White Working Class Votes Against Its Own Interests

By Janet Allon, AlterNet

It's a headscratcher READ MORE»

Jill Stein: 'Why Would Anyone Not Want to Count the Votes?'

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

Stein has raised $5 million in the days since she announced her effort to recount votes in three key states. READ MORE»

Peak 'Crony Capitalism': Donald Trump Indulging in Corrupt Favoritism Isn’t Surprising — But So Much of It So Soon?!

By Gary Legum, Salon

After running on claims he'd fix a corrupt system, Trump is setting up an economy that enriches his associates. READ MORE»

White Man Brags After Fatally Shooting Black Teenager in West Virginia

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

"The way I look at it, that's another piece of trash off the street," the 62-year-old white man said after murdering 15-year old outside a convenience store. READ MORE»

‘If He Wasn’t My Father, I Would Spray Him With Mace’: Ivanka Trump Admits Truth in 2006

By Sarah K. Burris, Raw Story

Writer and researcher Sarah Kendzior unearthed a comment Ms. Trump made in Aug. 2006 in the “Quotables” section of The Chicago Tribune READ MORE»

How the Electoral College Protects White Power

By Laura Clawson, DailyKos

As with the Senate, the Electoral College gives small states disproportionate representation, and disenfranchises non-whites.  READ MORE»

Science Just Found Out That Manly Bro Dudes Are More Likely to Be Depressed

By Lane Moore, The Frisky

It turns out that stereotypical masculinity is not super great for men. READ MORE»

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