June 2018

Kubernetes and Containers Special Report

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In this special newsletter we bring you up to date on all the new content and news related to Kubernetes and Containers on InfoQ. We are also maintaining a portal page for this content on InfoQ at: https://www.infoq.com/kubernetes/ and https://www.infoq.com/containers/.
The 3 Faces of DevSecOps (articles, May 28, 2018)
Atlassian Releases Escalator, an Autoscaling Tool for Kubernetes Nodes (news, May 26, 2018)
Kubernetes for the Spring Developer (presentations, May 18, 2018)
Deploying Spring Boot Apps on Kubernetes (presentations, May 12, 2018)

O'Reilly Media Excerpt: Designing & Building Architecture for Microservices

The definitive guide to lessons learned at Google & Amazon for adopting microservice architecture. Download Now.

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Designing & Building Architecture for Microservices
How Booking.com Uses Kubernetes for Machine Learning (news, Apr 01, 2018)
Six Tips for Running Scalable Workloads on Kubernetes (articles, Mar 30, 2018)
Netflix Open Sources Its Container Management Platform "Titus" (news, Apr 28, 2018)

GitLab Can Fully Manage Google Kubernetes Engine

Google and GitLab announced GitLab integration with Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), which aims to make it easier to use GitLab with GKE without lock-in.

Docker Enterprise Edition 2.0 Brings Easier Kubernetes Integration

The latest version of Docker Enterprise Edition (EE) makes it possible to manage and secure applications running on Kubernetes in heterogeneous environments and provides workflows to simplify the day-to-day management of a Kubernetes environment.

O'Reilly Media eBook: Kubernetes: Up & Running

Learn about Kubernetes from its creators & set solutions up for success with this definitive guide. Download Now.

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Kubernetes: Up & Running

Kubernetes 1.10 and Cross-Cloud CI Project Dashboard 1.3 Released, and Kubernetes Survey Announced

The Kubernetes container orchestration platform 1.10 release focuses on adding beta functionality to three core areas, including storage, security and networking. In additional Kubernetes-related news, the Cross-cloud CI project group have released the CI Dashboard v1.3.0, and the App Def Working Group have opened a survey for all users of Kubernetes to share requirements for deploying apps.

Managing and Operating Kafka Clusters in Kubernetes

Nenad Bogojevic, platform solutions architect at Amadeus, spoke at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2017 Conference on how to run and manage Kafka clusters in Kubernetes environment. He talked about provisioning Kafka clusters and configuring them using Kubernetes custom resources or ConfigMaps.

Get Ready for Cloud Native, Service-Meshed Java Enterprise

Java EE can be easily combined with Cloud-native technologies such as Kubernetes and Istio to produce a modern service-driven application.

Book Review and Q&A: Microservices and Containers by Parminder Singh Kocher

The book Microservices and Containers provides a deep dive into the main concepts, patterns and technologies used to implement modern, highly available, highly scalable cloud-native applications.

AWS VPC Subnets – In Layperson’s Terms

In this article, we are going to look at the different types of VPC setups available in AWS. We will also walk through the core terminology for VPC and explain the primary components.

Kubernetes Cheat Sheet

Learn about Kubernetes – directly from its creators – including how to build and maintain scalable distributed systems with containers and Kubernetes. Download Now.

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Kubernetes Cheat Sheet

Kubernetes: Crossing the Chasm

Ian Crosby covers the fundamental concepts and features of Kubernetes, best practices and anti-patterns running apps is such an environment, setting up a production ready Kubernetes cluster.

Building Developer Pipelines with PKS, Harbor, Clair, and Concourse

Thomas Kraus and Merlin Glynn show how companies can leverage PKS, Kubernetes, Harbor, Clair, and Concourse to build and deploy code in a consistent, predictable, and declarative manner.

Avoiding That $1M Dollar AWS Bill

Mark Michael and Glenn Oppegard share their experience moving a PCF application from AWS to GCP.

Connecting All Abstractions with Istio

Ramiro Salas, Laurent Demailly explain what a service mesh is, its impact on PCF and K8s, the implications for the traditional infrastructure, and using Istio to integrate all abstractions.

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