April 2018

Kubernetes and Containers Special Report

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In this special newsletter we bring you up to date on all the new content and news related to Kubernetes and Containers on InfoQ. We are also maintaining a portal page for this content on InfoQ at: https://www.infoq.com/kubernetes/ and https://www.infoq.com/containers/.
Dockerize Your Development (presentations, Mar 25, 2018)
IBM Delivers the First Bare Metal Kubernetes in the Public Cloud (news, Mar 23, 2018)
Kubernetes Founder Craig McLuckie on Going Multi-Cloud and Open Source (news, Mar 22, 2018)
Containers, Kubernetes and Google Cloud (presentations, Mar 11, 2018)
Has Kubernetes Crossed the Chasm? Ian Crosby Shares His Thoughts at QCon (news, Mar 09, 2018)

Docker and a Native Linux Experience: What's New in SQL Server 2017

Download this white paper to learn more about the power of SQL Server on Linux and containers, how SQL Server 2017 provides a native Linux experience with support for existing SQL Server tools, operational usage for relational and graph data, and more. Download now.

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Docker and a Native Linux Experience: What's New in SQL Server 2017
The Kubernetes Effect (articles, Feb 07, 2018)
Modern Big Data Pipelines over Kubernetes (news, Jan 08, 2018)
Microservices Resiliency and Fault Tolerance Using Istio and Kubernetes (news, Jan 15, 2018)
Google Releases "Skaffold", a Tool That Facilitates Continuous Development with Kubernetes (news, Mar 19, 2018)

Building GPU Accelerated Workflows with TensorFlow and Kubernetes

Daniel Whitenack spoke at the recent KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2017 Conference about GPU based deep learning workflows using TensorFlow and Kubernetes technologies. He discussed the open source data pipeline framework Pachyderm.rn.

Managing and Operating Kafka Clusters in Kubernetes

Nenad Bogojevic, platform solutions architect at Amadeus, spoke at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2017 Conference on how to run and manage Kafka clusters in Kubernetes environment. He talked about provisioning Kafka clusters and configuring them using Kubernetes custom resources or ConfigMaps.rn.

Developing an Intelligent Analytics App with PostgreSQL

Azure Database for PostgreSQL brings together the community edition database engine and capabilities of a fully managed service. Tune in to see in action how easy it is to create new experiences like adding Cognitive Services to your apps by virtue of being on Azure. Learn More.

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Developing an Intelligent Analytics App with PostgreSQL

Q&A with Kubernetes Founder Brendan Burns on Containers and Distributed System Patterns

InfoQ caught up with Brendan Burns, author of Designing Distributed Systems, Patterns and Paradigms for Scaleable Microservices. He talks about Distributed Systems patterns and how Containers enable it.

Cilium 1.0.0-rc4 Released: Transparently Secure Container Network Connectivity Utilising Linux BPF

Cilium is open source software for transparently securing the network connectivity. Cilium 1.0.0-rc4 has recently been released, which includes: the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF)-hosted Envoy configured as the default HTTP/gRPC proxy; the addition of a simple health overview for connectivity and other errors; and an improved scalable kvstore interaction layer.

DevOps and Cloud InfoQ Trends Report - January 2018

This article, following on from the Culture and Methods piece we published last week, provides a summary of how we currently see the operations space, which for us is mainly DevOps and cloud.

Continuous Delivery with Kubernetes the Hard Way

Automating continuous delivery with Kubernetes requires a Single-Source-Of-Truth, and that rollbacks can be implemented efficiently without requiring new code changes to be pushed.

Why and How Database Changes Should Be Included in the Deployment Pipeline

Eduardo Piairo on why databases and applications should coexist in the same deployment pipeline and goes through different scenarios and steps to achieve it.

Building Scalable Web Applications with Azure Database for MySQL

Learn how Azure Database for MySQL can help you quickly respond to changing customer needs by scaling up and down. See also how capabilities like high availability and replication can help you meet and exceed customer expectations. Learn More.

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Building Scalable Web Applications with Azure Database for MySQL

Debugging Containerized Microservices

Idit Levine describes and demonstrates common debugging techniques and introduces Squash, a new tool and methodology.

The Why behind DevOps, Containers and Microservices

Edson Yanaga keynotes on the reasons one would engage in DevOps, containers, and microservices.

The ARM to Z of Multi-Architecture Microservices

Christy Norman Perez and Christopher Jones discuss creating multi-platform images with Docker; emulating architectures in containers, running them on Docker Swarm on arm64, ppc64le, s390x, and x86_64.

Going Production with Docker and Swarm

Bret Fisher discusses how to get started with Docker and Swarm in production, covering tactics, example configs, infrastructure designs, and the internals of Docker in production.

Managing the Docker Change - Disrupt and Innovate

Tim Tyler discusses some of the key changes MetLife made to maximize success, from tossing out waterfall, quickly identifying design patterns, rallying around open source, and more.

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