
InfoWorld Daily

December 21, 2018

Image: Kubernetes is so hard—but worth the pain

Kubernetes is so hard—but worth the pain

2019 will be a challenging year for some enterprises as they try to turn Kubernetes hype into production reality Read more ▶

Your Must Read Stories


Kubernetes is so hard—but worth the pain


How to find that scarce cloud talent


What a GPU-powered database can do for you


Homebrew tutorial: How to use Homebrew for MacOS


JavaScript promises: 3 gotchas and tricks to avoid them


How to use the Python debugger


VirtualBox 6.0 exports VMs to the cloud—but only Oracle Cloud

White Paper: CDW & PaloAlto

Managing Risk

What makes cybersecurity so elusive for so many is the shifting nature of risk. Security is a journey, not a destination — and that journey has been made more complex by several factors. Check out managing risks here. Read more ▶

Image: How to find that scarce cloud talent

How to find that scarce cloud talent

Want to hire people with cloud-specific skills or those who understand cloud architecture or security? Here are two secrets Read more ▶

Image: Download Malwarebytes Today and Protect Your Data for Free


Download Malwarebytes Today and Protect Your Data for Free

This innovative cybersecurity software helps you fight hackers, and it’s free. Read more ▶

Image: What a GPU-powered database can do for you

What a GPU-powered database can do for you

The parallel processing power of the GPU is being brought to analytics by some innovative startups, promising new levels of performance Read more ▶

Image: Homebrew tutorial: How to use Homebrew for MacOS

Homebrew tutorial: How to use Homebrew for MacOS

The open source Homebrew package manager gives Mac users access to Unix command-line utilities that Apple left out — and a lot more Read more ▶

Image: JavaScript promises: 3 gotchas and tricks to avoid them

JavaScript promises: 3 gotchas and tricks to avoid them

Promises, handlers, and chains are hardly straightforward. Follow these tips to keep your code clean and simple Read more ▶

Image: How to use the Python debugger

How to use the Python debugger

Learn how to perform interactive Python debugging with a built-in library you can embed directly into a Python app Read more ▶

Image: VirtualBox 6.0 exports VMs to the cloud—but only Oracle Cloud

VirtualBox 6.0 exports VMs to the cloud—but only Oracle Cloud

Update to Oracle’s open source virtualization platform also streamlines the UI and eases file management between hosts and guests Read more ▶

White Paper: CDW & Polycom

Changing the Way Users Work

The Modern Workforce Insight Report explores how the workforce is evolving. How it’s being shaped by both technology and culture, how companies are adapting and some of the challenges — and opportunities — that it presents. Read more ▶

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