
InfoWorld Cloud Computing Report

November 26, 2019

Image: Kubernetes meets the real world

Kubernetes meets the real world

The container orchestration tool Kubernetes continues to gain momentum as enterprises leap from pilot projects to production. Here’s how Bloomberg, News UK, and the travel data provider Amadeus are putting Kubernetes to work Read more ▶

Your Must-Read Stories


Looking into an intelligent cloud future


Kubernetes autoscaling for event-driven workloads


Will Google's AI make you artificially stupid?


Why SaaS-based AI training will be a game changer


5 common problems FaunaDB indexes solve for you

White Paper: Embotics Corporation

All (no fluff) Cloud Success Stories in Cloud Automation

Within the following pages, you’ll learn how a diverse group of organizations addresses the ever-changing landscape of cloud services, as well as the benefits Embotics solutions have helped them achieve. And we’re certain you’ll find the examples described in this book to be illuminating, inspiring, and practical to implement yourself. Read more ▶

Image: Looking into an intelligent cloud future

Looking into an intelligent cloud future

Cloud computing is now a great way to make quick progress with enterprise IT. However, a few future developments may catch enterprises by surprise Read more ▶

Image: Learn the basics of electrical engineering for only $25 today.


Learn the basics of electrical engineering for only $25 today.

This collection features 5 courses on electrical engineering fundamentals such as circuits, substations, and machines. Read more ▶

Image: Kubernetes autoscaling for event-driven workloads

Kubernetes autoscaling for event-driven workloads

A Microsoft and Red Hat open source collaboration, KEDA, brings event-driven autoscaling to any Kubernetes cluster Read more ▶

Image: Will Google's AI make you artificially stupid?

Will Google's AI make you artificially stupid?

The biggest threat from AI isn't software that steals your job. It's software that steals your mind. Read more ▶

Image: Why SaaS-based AI training will be a game changer

Why SaaS-based AI training will be a game changer

As machine learning engines multiply, we see the benefits of having them train each other, versus using limited training data we may or may not have Read more ▶

Image: 5 common problems FaunaDB indexes solve for you

5 common problems FaunaDB indexes solve for you

You can use indexes not only to speed up queries, but also to paginate, sort, and filter documents in FaunaDB Read more ▶

White Paper: Embotics Corporation

10 Signs That You Should Invest in a Cloud Management Platform

When confronted with cloud management challenges, many organizations operate on a reactive basis—developing ad hoc solutions to specific problems as they arise. And because of this, many IT cloud management programs are rife with duplicate capabilities, non-standard approaches, process inefficiencies, and the creation of a shadow IT organization. Read more ▶

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