In this issue, February 19, 2019 View it in your browser.

Kubernetes, Uber's AresDB, Facebook's PyText NLP, Deployment Safety at Airbnb, The Trouble with Memory, NetBeans, Jest, Workflows at, Testing at

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Joe Beda on Kubernetes & the CNCF

Today on The InfoQ Podcast, Wes Reisz talks with Joe Beda. The two discuss the recent purchase of Heptio by VMWare, the Kubernetes Privilege Escalation Flaw (and the response to it), Kubernetes Enhancement Proposals, the CNCF/organization of Kubernetes, and some of the future hopes for the platform. (Podcast)

Ash Coleman on Testing, Ethics, Diversity and What it Means to Be an Ally

In this podcast recorded at the Agile 2018 conference Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods, spoke to Ash Coleman . about testing, ethics, diversity and what it means to be an ally. (Podcast)

TOP AI, ML & Data Engineering NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Uber Introduces AresDB: GPU-Powered, Open-Source, Real-Time Analytics Engine

  2. Facebook Open-Sources PyText NLP Modeling Framework

  3. Making Machine Learning Adoptable for Clinicians

Monitoring AI with AI

Iskandar Sitdikov discusses a solution, tooling and architecture that allows an ML engineer to be involved in delivery phase and take ownership over deployment and monitoring of ML pipelines. (Presentation)


  1. Microsoft Announces New Azure Analytics Services ADLS, ADX and More

  2. Amazon Announces AWS PrivateLink Support for Its ECR and ECS Services

  3. Three Pillars with Zero Answers: Rethinking Observability with Ben Sigelman

  4. Evolution of Metrics Collection and Log Aggregation at Coinbase

  5. Improving Deployment Safety at Airbnb with Pipelines

Four Techniques Serverless Platforms Use to Balance Performance and Cost

There are two aspects that have been key to the rapid adoption of serverless computing: the performance and the cost model. This article looks at those aspects, the tradeoffs, and opportunity ahead. (Article)


  1. GitHub Draft Pull Requests Enable New Collaboration Workflows

The Trouble with Memory

Kirk Pepperdine talks about the steps to take to cure the problem of memory and also covers how the JVM can both help reduce the memory - strength of an application. (Presentation with transcript included)
The next QCon is QCon London, March 4-6, 2019. Join us!

“Quantum” Performance Effects: beyond the Core

Sergey Kuksenko talks about how much CPU microarchitecture details may have an influence on applications performance. Could it be visible by end-users? How to avoid misjudgment when estimating code performance? CPU is huge (not in size), that is why the talk is limited to those parts which located out of computational core (mostly caches and memory access). (Presentation with transcript included)

The InfoQ eMag: QCon 2018 Retrospective

We take a look back at the QCon highlights in 2018, including QCon London, QCon.AI, QCon New York and QCon San Francisco. (eMag)

Chaos Engineering 101 – Download the InfoQ eMag

Compiled by Nora Jones from Netflix, this eMag draws on real-world experiences of running chaos experiments, a discipline that allows engineers to refine, recalibrate, and navigate the understanding of our systems through intentional and careful experimentation in the form of failure injection. Download Now.


  1. RedHat Releases JBoss 7.2 with EE 8

  2. GoDaddy Announces Sponsorship of AdoptOpenJDK to Further its Commitment to a Free and Open Internet

  3. Apache Releases NetBeans 10.0 Featuring Enhanced Support for JDK 11

Tap Compare Testing with Diferencia and Java Microservices

“Tap compare” is a testing technique that allows you to test the behavior and performance of the new service by comparing its results against the old service. This article provides an example of using a new open source tool, Diferencia, and mirroring production traffic across both old and new services to compare the difference in result. (Article)

Brewing Java Applications in Sigma Managed Clusters

Kingsum Chow talks about the challenges of large-scale software deployments in the data center for one of the largest online shopping events. Chows covers evaluating and estimating software performance at scale, and optimizing software for resource management. (Presentation with transcript included)

Scaling up Performance Benchmarking

Anil Kumar and Monica Beckwith share application architecture decisions, observations points, etc. which can be applied when architecting, deploying and analyzing real production applications. They also share how application level, as well as system level metrics, change for various application architecture decisions as well as high-level JVM analysis to correlate tail latencies. (Presentation with transcript included)

Flight of the Flux: A Look at Reactor Execution Model

Simon Baslé discusses `Flux` and `Mono` on the JVM, APIs and Reactive Stream, the Reactor execution model. (Presentation)

Getting Super Productive with Spring Tools 4 and Spring Boot 2

Alex Boyko and Martin Lippert show how to use the Spring Tools 4 in Eclipse and Visual Studio Code when working on Spring Boot 2 applications. (Presentation)

Securing OAuth 2.0 Resources in Spring Security 5

Josh Cummings and Joe Grandja take a look at two insecure applications--one a web application and the other a REST API--and integrate them both with an OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server. (Presentation)

Tuning a Runtime for Both Productivity and Performance

Mei-Chin Tsai and Jared Parsons talk about how Microsoft’s .NET team designed the runtime environment to balance convenience, fast startup, serviceability, low latency,and high throughput. For example, services such as JIT compilation, TypeSystem, garbage collection all provide convenience but come at a cost. The challenges presented are common to many environments. (Presentation with transcript included)

.NET Core Fundamentals – Download the InfoQ eMag

Explore the benefits of .NET Core and how it can benefit not only traditional .NET developers but all technologists that need to bring robust, performant and economical solutions to the market. Download Now.

TOP Dynamic Languages NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Google Chrome Never-Slow Mode

  2. Jest 24 Improves TypeScript Support, Plans Migration to TypeScript

  3. TNG-Hooks: Reuse and Compose Stateful, Effectful Logic within Regular Functions

A Conversation about ZipSlip, NodeJS Security, and BBS Hacking

Earlier this year, the popular Bower package manager was found vulnerable to archive extraction, allowing attackers to write arbitrary files on a user's disk. As it turns out, the vector attacks used by this exploit have been known since the early days of BBS. InfoQ has taken the chance to speak with Liran Tal to learn more about software security, and NodeJS security in particular. (News)

TOP Architecture & Design NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Experiences Moving from Microservices to Workflows at

  2. Microsoft Announces Azure IoT Edge Support for Virtual Machines

UX Maturity Ladder: A System of Measurement

Hira Javed discusses a framework for measuring a product’s experiential growth, and how it impacts users’ relationship with it. (Presentation)

See what’s new in Enterprise Architecture on InfoQ, including:

  • Point-to-Point Messaging Architecture - The Reactive Endgame
  • Intel's Cloud-Native Transformation
  • Reasoning about Uncertainty at Scale
  • And more...



Modern Java EE Design Patterns (By O’Reilly)

Download this report to explore best practices for automation, high availability, data separation, and performance while inspecting design patterns such as aggregator, proxy, pipeline, and shared resources to model service interactions. Download Now.

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. How to Avoid Failing at Mobile Test Automation

  2. Testing Complex Distributed Systems at Sarah Wells Shares Lessons Learned

  3. Retrospective 3.0 at Ocado Technology

  4. Tech Ethics and Professionalism

Author Q&A on the Book Business Analysis Agility

James and Suzanne Robertson have written a book titled Business Analysis Agility - Solve the Real Problem, Deliver Real Value. They address the fact that despite the adoption of agile approaches a lot of time, effort and money is wasted building the wrong product. They explore the challenges faced undertaking analysis in agile environments and address some of the common mistakes. (Article)

Continuous Delivery - It’s Not All about Tech!

It’s easy to get caught up in the technical side of continuous delivery. Objectively observing all stages of the releases in action allows measuring the release process to find non-tech factors hindering your releases and the bottlenecks and queues. Make sure your communication methods are effective, and that all the people involved are genuinely working together well. (Article)

Great Managers Are Like Great Teachers: Q&A with Jessica Ingrassellino

Differentiated instruction strategies have helped Jessica Ingrassellino find ways for each of her team members to best grow and flourish with the opportunities available. She applies this by adjusting content, process, and outcome, approaching each individual as an individual with respect for their needs. (Article)

Baby Got Feedback: How to Give and Take Feedback Like A Boss

Sarah Hagan uses empirical research, practical tips, and parodied song lyrics around how to be a better feedback receiver and become more effective in giving feedback. (Presentation with transcript included)

Data-Driven Decision Making

Zoe Vance and Denise Yu describe how to design the indicators to build an understanding of a product, how to monitor those metrics over time, and how to build feedback loops. (Presentation)