Media Winners & Losers

Charlie Cooke

"A lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth gets its pants on" is the familiar saying apocryphally attributed to Winston Churchill, and it's indubitably true in this internet age. Today's winner is National Review's Charlie Cooke for a thoroughly-researched debunking of one of the most prevalent bits of misinformation to arise during the Covid-19 pandemic. 

In a May 13 article titled “Rebekah Jones, the COVID Whistleblower Who Wasn’t,” Cooke effectively showed how Jones, the former “dashboard manager” of the Florida Department of Health, single-handedly advanced the conspiracy theory that Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) had been fudging the state’s COVID-19 data.

Cooke dismantled Jones' accusations one-by-one, including her false claims about a search warrant executed at her home. As Cooke pointed out on Monday's episode of Morning Joe, he made his findings with readily-available public information that anyone could have found, but he's the one who took the time to do it. "There is nothing special about me," Cooke insisted, but in this era of social-media-fueled misinformation, diligent fact-checking is a vital journalistic function, and Cooke deserves kudos.

Whoever at CNN Now Has to
Comb Through Every Staffer's
Social Media Accounts

CNN had a major headache this weekend when it was discovered that Adeel Raja, a freelance writer based  in Islamabad, Pakistan, tweeted “The world today needs a Hitler,” along with multiple other tweets that praised Adolf Hitler or included other anti-Semitic content.

Raja had been a contributor at CNN since 2013, with his byline on approximately 50 articles. Reached for comment, CNN spokesman Matt Dornic told Mediaite that "in light of these abhorrent statements, [Raja] will not be working with CNN again in any capacity.”

Permanently cutting ties with Raja was the right move, and we recognize that it's tough to monitor the social media accounts for CNN's entire network of contributors, but this was a very blatant transgression that CNN doesn't want associated with their brand.

With AT&T spinning off CNN's parent company WarnerMedia to merge with Discovery, it's a really bad time for this type of snafu for the network, and there are some long hours ahead for whoever is scanning thousands of tweets and Facebook posts to see what other messes might be out there.

The A-Block

The former guy just won't go away

Former President Donald Trump may not be in the White House any more -- or on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc. -- but he still finds a way to get his name into headlines. With the recent ouster of Trump critic Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) from House GOP leadership, Trump's influence over the GOP shows little sign of crumbling, and it's a major issue of debate for how the party should move forward.

Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY), who took over Cheney's position, dismissed her predecessor's warnings about Trump, calling him "an important voice" in the Republican Party.

Gov. Asa Hutchinson (R-AR) told The View that the GOP should not allow Trump to continue to function as the leader of the party.

Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) offered this assessment: "you’re not going to excommunicate a former president,...I do not think Trump is the devil, and I won’t say that. I don’t think he’s Jesus either."

Trump may not have his social media accounts anymore, but he does have his blog, and he's been using it to continue to complain about the 2020 election and toss insults at various media networks and his former Vice President Mike Pence.

Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance is still investigating Trump and his family businesses, and if the grand jury indicts the former president, Trump ally DeSantis will not be able to stop New York from extraditing him from Florida, says Palm Beach County State Attorney Dave Aronberg.

In Other News...

• CNN’s Daniel Dale Shreds Ted Cruz’s Outlandish Claims About Illegal Immigrants Being Automatically Registered to Vote

• ‘This Is Really Bad for Gaetz’: Florida Prosecutor Gives Blunt Assessment of Joel Greenberg’s Guilty Plea

• Matthew McConaughey Is Reportedly Making Calls About Whether to Run for Texas Governor      

• Trump Ordered Massive Military Withdrawal Just After Losing Election, According to New Axios Report

Must See Clip

A doggone good deed

A local TV news story took a surprising, uplifting turn when a Boston reporter was covering a story about a dog who was stolen from his owner…and she ended up finding the very missing dog in the middle of reporting on the story.

Titus the 13-month-old German Shorthaired Pointer is now safe thanks to the quick thinking of the reporter, and enjoyed an emotional reunion with his owner.

Watch the heartwarming story here.

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