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Friday, 25 September 2020


Pedro Snchez values key role of Social Economy in recovery after meeting with top sector representatives

The President of the Government, Pedro Snchez, together with the Minister for Work and Social Economy, Yolanda Daz, received the managing board of the Spanish Business Confederation of the Social Economy (Spanish acronym: CEPES), headed up by its President, Juan Antonio Pedreo.


Pedro Snchez stresses importance of multilateralism protect interests and values shared by all NATO members

The President of the Government, Pedro Snchez, met with the Secretary-General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), Jens Stoltenberg, at the general headquarters of NATO. Pedro Snchez highlighted at their meeting the Government of Spain's commitment to multilateralism "as the best way to protect the interests and values shared by all NATO members".


Government regulates working remotely

The government underlines remote working as a modernisation and productivity tool, while stressing that it is voluntary and with an entitlement to disconnect. It also simplified the bureaucracy to receive the Minimum Living Income and approved the 2nd National Adaptation to Climate Change Plan.


President of the Government meets by video-conference with President of Costa Rica

The President of the Government, Pedro Snchez, met by video-conference with the President of Costa Rica, Carlos Alvarado, within the framework of the 75th General Assembly of the United Nations, being held at this time. Both countries play a very active role at international forums in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.


Government of Spain and Regional Government of Madrid set up specific working group to combat COVID-19

The President of the Government, Pedro Snchez, and the President of the Regional Government of Madrid, Isabel Daz Ayuso, agreed, following the meeting at the headquarters of the regional government, to strengthen cooperation between the two tiers of government - State and regional - with the aim of planning more suitable responses to combat the coronavirus in the region.


Competitive farming production is compatible with targets in the fight against climate change, says Luis Planas


Spain advances in compliance with national and international targets on marine conservation


Spain and France step up collaboration in development of automated and connected driving


Spain and IFAD strengthen relations with an agreement to co-finance rural development projects and in fight against food insecurity


2,062,871 average foreign National Insurance contributors recorded in August


Spain has performed more than 8.5 million PCR tests since start of pandemic


Exports amount to 147.49 billion euros from January to July 2020

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  • Official website of the Government of Spain: www.lamoncloa.gob.es

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